Travel Writing

Bring a world of destinations to life

This course is ideal for: Anyone who wants to combine a love of travel and exploring new places with a love of writing – and get paid for it!

You will:
Explore how the travel writing industry works
Discover how to write travel stories readers will love
Get tips on planning, photography and getting free stuff
Learn how to create story opportunities from anywhere
Start earning an income as a travel writer!

“I didn’t realise I would actually come away with everything I needed to know about the industry and getting started. Most courses help you get an idea, but I came away from this one with exact steps of how to succeed.”
– Catherine Warboys, Travel Writing graduate

See more reviews

Travel Writing

Bring a world of destinations to life

This course is ideal for: Anyone who wants to combine a love of travel and exploring new places with a love of writing – and get paid for it!


You will:
Explore how the travel writing industry works
Discover how to write travel stories readers will love
Get tips on planning, photography and getting free stuff
Learn how to create story opportunities from anywhere
Start earning an income as a travel writer!

“I didn’t realise I would actually come away with everything I needed to know about the industry and getting started. Most courses help you get an idea, but I came away from this one with exact steps of how to succeed.”
– Catherine Warboys, Travel Writing graduate

See more reviews

Travel Writing

Bring a world of destinations to life


This course is ideal for: Anyone who wants to combine a love of travel and exploring new places with a love of writing – and get paid for it!

You will:
Explore how the travel writing industry works
Discover how to write travel stories readers will love
Get tips on planning, photography and getting free stuff
Learn how to create story opportunities from anywhere
Start earning an income as a travel writer!

“I didn’t realise I would actually come away with everything I needed to know about the industry and getting started. Most courses help you get an idea, but I came away from this one with exact steps of how to succeed.”
– Catherine Warboys, Travel Writing graduate

See more reviews
Opens Duration With
Course details:
Online with tutor Learn from anywhere at your convenience.
Monday 31 October 2022
Start any time during the week
5 weeks
Allow 3–4 hours per week
Valerie Khoo
Bookings close soon

Travel Writing
Five-week online course – an overview

This online course will teach you how to research, gather, and write travel stories about any place on the planet – from the next suburb to the next continent.

You could be an exotic beach, waves gently lapping at your toes. You could be clip-clopping on a horse and carriage through New York’s Central Park in autumn, a 360 degree cityscape surrounding you. Or you could simply be exploring a town just down the road from where you live – after all, everywhere is a tourist destination for someone.

That’s the variety and appeal of travel writing – a “dream job” that allows you to generate an income from sharing your experiences near or far. And as a freelance writer, you don’t even need to give up your day job.

Lessons include:

  1. The travel writing industry You’ll look at the travel market, its ‘lingo’ and how to analyse magazines, newspapers and websites to ensure that you can write a travel article that’s ideal for their readership. You’ll explore the qualities of a successful travel writer and the many ways to write about a destination: first person experience, a ‘listings’ story, a straightforward review and more. You’ll get feedback on analysing a publication.
  2. Hooks and angles This week, you’ll explore various travel stories and learn where to put your research energy before, during and after. You’ll focus on how to develop the angles and hooks for your story and touch on how interviews may add colour to your stories. You’ll also get tips on photography, publishing lead times and other real world considerations you need to be aware of upfront. Your weekly assignment will involve structuring a travel article.
  3. Safe travels In this module, it’s all about the practical side of travel writing – itineraries, communication and logistics. You’ll learn the four main types of travel experienced by most travel writers – and which best suits you. You’ll explore the pros and cons of each approach, and how good writers turn any trip into a published (and paid!) story. You’ll also learn about the importance of ethics in travel writing: what’s good form and what isn’t. You’ll receive feedback on your ideas for a story and the publication you’d like to target.
  4. Making your stories shine Good stories aren’t about how exotic your destination is, it’s about providing a compelling narrative for your reader. So this week, you’ll get the tools and techniques to help your writing shine – including transitions, endings, the principle of ‘show, don’t tell’, plus how to use dialogue or direct quotes from the ‘characters’ you meet along the way. Many relevant story examples are provided. Additionally, you’ll write and receive feedback on a 500-word story about your local area.
  5. Pitching travel stories You’ll learn about selling your work – how to approach editors and how to maximise your chances of getting commissioned again and again. Are unsolicited submissions okay? Do you pitch a story before or after a trip? Should you write articles ‘on spec’?. How does payment work? So many questions – all answered here, along with email templates, story checklists and more. In this module, you’ll receive feedback on a pitch to an editor.

Rob Grant completed Travel Writing

“When I heard about the course, I was a veteran traveller and someone with a fascination with words – and it was just something I wanted to know more about. I had no idea how I would start to become a travel writer, so I was keen to just find out all the information I could.”

– Rob Grant, travel writer

“Is this course for me?”

Travel Writing is suited to anyone looking at how to start writing travel content for magazines or websites. People like these:

Enjoy the benefits of your online classroom

  • This course gives you access to your own online classroom, where you’ll be able to connect with other classmates and share your stories with each other in a supportive environment – with people who share your passion!
  • Your class also has its own online tutor – on hand and online for any questions you may have and to provide personal feedback on your work. Our tutors are experienced experts with years of knowledge to draw on. They’re your secret weapon!
  • Each Monday we’ll release a new learning module in the form of audio lessons, along with handouts and other resources. You can choose to save the audio and listen to it later on – perhaps during your favourite walk or on the commute in the car. It’s up to you!
  • A fan of 9am starts? Easy. 2pm before the kids get home? Sure. 10pm? 5am? You choose the time and place that best suits your schedule. A practical weekly assignment (assessed by your tutor) will help you stay on track and gauge your progress along the way.

Enjoy the benefits of your online classroom

When you enrol in Travel Writing:

  • You’ll receive login details to access your online course
  • Your course contains five weekly modules, each with audio lessons and handouts
  • Each week, you can submit a small assignment and receive feedback from your tutor
  • There are no set class times – complete each module when it suits you during the week
  • We suggest allowing 3-4 hours per week to complete each module and assignment
  • You can post questions and comments in the classroom and get to know your classmates
  • You’ll be able to enjoy access to the course for a full year – plenty of time to revisit your lessons and refresh your knowledge whenever you need.


Q: I’m a complete beginner. Is this the right course?
A: Travel Writing is perfect for all levels – from beginners to more experienced writers wanting to hone this particular skill set. The thing everyone should have is a curiosity to discover new places.

Q: What’s the difference between Freelance Writing Stage 1 and Travel Writing?
A: They’re actually quite different – many students do both. Freelance Writing Stage 1 will give you the fundamentals of writing for print and online publications across a wide range of topics (many choose to do that course first). But if you want to earn money writing about your travels, Travel Writing is essential as it goes a layer deeper into opportunities and tips around travel stories in particular.

Q: But is there a lot of overlap?
A: Not at all. That’s because this course teaches the vital nuances and subtleties of the travel writing industry – including unspoken etiquette, how to approach tourism bodies for familiarisation tours and media junkets. Travel articles also follow certain formulas that are not typical in regular (non-travel) feature articles. If Travel Writing is your passion area, this is a highly practical course that will help you get started and set you up for success!

Q: How many others will be in the class – and are they all experienced writers?
A: The online class is a supportive learning environment and we purposefully keep classes small to make everyone more comfortable (no more than approx 20 per class). Everyone is there to learn and no experience is necessary, so you don’t need to worry about being out of your depth.

Q: I’m short on time (always travelling!). Can I fit this course into my life?
A: Most of our students are busy people just like you! They might be parents, students, working full-time or currently travelling. The beauty of this online course is its flexibility – all you need to find is a few hours each week, not necessarily all at once. It’s totally doable.

Q: How does the online tutored class work exactly?
A: Each Monday, a new course module will be made available. You can choose any time that week to go through it – there is no set class time. Through the online learning hub, you can chat to classmates and your online tutor and get feedback on your weekly assignments (due each Sunday night).

Q: I’m not sure if I want to freelance but I enjoy writing blogs about my travels. I might even like to write a travel book. Will this course help me?
A: Yes! Because the course teaches you how to structure compelling travel stories, the end product can be anything you want it to be. Even pitching to editors replicates the process that you’d need to go through with a publisher if you were writing a travel book. (Typically each chapter of a travel book will read like a magazine article anyway.) In this respect, the Travel Writing course can be useful in applying the principles you learn to your own blog or book. Even through book promotion, knowing how to create a publicity article is invaluable – many students have found success this way.

Get ongoing support

Travel Writing provides you with all the foundation skills you need to create destination stories that will appeal to publications and readers alike. But many of our graduates also look for support beyond the course – and that’s where our online Freelance Writing Masterclass Program comes in.

Exclusive to graduates of Travel Writing, the program is like an apprenticeship, giving you valuable mentoring, feedback and more as you dip your toes into the world of freelance writing. As a member, you have unlimited online access to a library of extra tutorials on all types of freelance writing to add to your skills and confidence. You can also get feedback on any story pitches and ask AWC founder Valerie Khoo questions in the monthly Ask Me Anything video sessions. With extra support and advice from an exclusive members group, it’s the motivation you need to succeed!

By the end of this course, you will have:

KNOWLEDGE:Everything you need to know about travel writing all packed and zipped into one highly practical five-week course.
CONFIDENCE:Understanding these essentials of travel writing will not only help you sell stories to travel editors, but connect better with people you meet in your travels.
INSPIRATION:To come up with stories and angles for any location – in your neighbourhood or across the globe.
MOTIVATION:There are hundreds of publications and websites that require travel content – and this course will give you the confidence to succeed.
Graduates have gone on to work full-time as travel writers, including winning top industry awards in just their first few years! Your journey of a thousand miles (probably a lot more) starts here.

But don’t just take our word for it…

“I enjoyed the interaction with other writers and the assignment briefs. It’s a great overview of all the basics you need to know to become a professional travel writer including preparing for a trip and picking the right publications for your story. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the wonderful course, the plethora of information, and all the support. Absolutely loved it.”

Jessica Gately

“The course was well-staged and scaffolded with a manageable workload. Very much appreciated the individual feedback – particularly the audio feedback which was invaluable.

Online course delivery was convenient and time-efficient. Very well-organised and easy to use. The best thing about this mode of delivery is the convenience.”

David Sotir

“I enjoyed reading the travel articles and reading other classmates work. I also left with a great understanding of the industry and what it takes to become a part of it. I am overseas, so it was perfect for me to complete it online. It was a well-structured course so online was perfect.”

Rohan Shaw

“I was gripped from the first lesson and really enjoyed hearing of the presenter’s stories and experience in the industry. The course content is exceptional and covers all aspects of travel writing.”

Krystal Davidson


The world is waiting… 

This course will change the way you see the world – and give you the confidence to succeed as a travel writer.
There’s a big world out there just waiting to explore… so what are you waiting for? Enrol in this five-week online course today…

Opens Duration With
Course details:
Online with tutor Learn from anywhere at your convenience.
Monday 31 October 2022
Start any time during the week
5 weeks
Allow 3–4 hours per week
Valerie Khoo
Bookings close soon

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