Nat Amoore

Nat Amoore is an award-winning internationally published author of children’s books.

Her books include The Right Way To Rock, The Power Of Positive Pranking and Secrets Of A Schoolyard Millionaire

Nat is the 2021 winner of the Environment Award for Children’s Literature. She has also been shortlisted for the Readings Children’s Book Prize and the REAL Children’s Choice Book Awards. In 2019, Nat was Australia’s #1 bestselling debut children’s fiction author. Nat has also placed first and second at the CYA Conference and was the recipient of the CBCA Maurice Saxby Creative Development Program.

Nat’s also involved with podcasts, including writing a 5-part fiction series called PROJECT ARI, and co-hosting One More Page, which was a finalist at the Australian Podcast Awards. 

Nat’s next book is We Run Tomorrow, a novel/graphic novel hybrid being released in mid-2022.

Nat used to be a trapeze artist, had a pet kangaroo when she was young and her secret super power is making stuff up (which is totally different to lying!).


Twitter: @Nat_Amoore

Nat teaches Presenting to Kids.

Some of Nat's books include:

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Presenting to Kids
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