COMP CLOSED: Win Sophie Kinsella’s Finding Audrey

This week we’ve spun the wheel of prizes and have landed on the latest book from bestselling British author Sophie Kinsella – called Finding Audrey. This is actually Sophie’s first YA (young adult) book, and it’s here where we meet the title character Audrey – an ordinary teenager with not so ordinary problems!

The internet calls it a “laugh-out-loud romance from the author of the Shopaholic series” and suggests that Audrey is taking on the world, one ice coffee at a time. We won’t give away the plot, but will say that it’s definitely nothing like Finding Nemo or Where’s Wally…

To win yourself a copy of this book, all you have to do is tell us ONE thing you’d love to go back and tell your teenage self! The best answer will win a copy of this new book.

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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