COMP CLOSED: Win signed copy of Withering-by-Sea by Judith Rossell!

This week it’s your chance to get your hands on the much acclaimed young fiction novel Withering-by-Sea, written by Judith Rossell. (Judith is a talented illustrator and writer, who also presents courses at the Australian Writers’ Centre!)

Set in Victorian times, the book is billed as a “Stella Montgomerie Intrigue” – the first book in a series which follows the antics of 11-year-old orphan Stella Montgomerie. Stella is living a dull life in the titular gloomy coastal town’s old hotel when she sees something that she shouldn’t and begins a terrifying and wonderful adventure…

Recommended for readers aged 9+, we have one to to give away, signed by the author herself! To win, simply tell us (in under 25 words) which period in history YOU would like to live in and why!

Our favourite entry will win a copy of the book. Any one of any age can enter, so let the 9-12 year olds in your life know about it too!

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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