COMP CLOSED: Win our “Get Organised” pack!

Okay, it’s late March – time to look 2017 squarely in the eye and get organised once and for all. And to help you achieve this, we have two empowering books for you – each with a rather different approach (serious vs hilarious) on getting your bad habits under control.

The books in question are the bestselling The Art of Discarding by Nagisa Tatsumi and Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight. Tatsumi’s book gives more clues away in the subheading: “How to get rid of clutter and find joy” – as it dispenses practical advice and techniques to help readers let go of stuff that is holding them back, as well as advice on acquiring less in the first place.

Meanwhile, Knight’s book takes a blunter approach, and its intentions are clear from its own subheading: “How to stop worrying about what you should do so you can finish what you need to do and start doing what you want to do.” As if you needed more of a gauge, Sarah Knight calls herself the ‘anti-guru’ and her first book was The Life-changing Magic Of Not Giving A F**k.

So, are you ready to declutter your life and your mind? To win BOTH books on offer this week, we’d like you to work out what is really important to you. Tell us what ONE item you’d choose to keep if you had to discard absolutely everything else. (And why!) Our favourite response will win the pair of books!



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