COMP CLOSED: Win “Crimson Lake” by Candice Fox!

This week we’re excited to give you the opportunity to win the latest thriller by an Australian author who’s definitely on the rise – Candice Fox. Her book Never, Never (a collaboration with none other than James Patterson) hit the top of the New York Times Best Sellers lists earlier this year and her award-winning instincts continue in this latest standalone thriller, Crimson Lake:

12.46: Thirteen-year-old Claire Bingley stands alone at a bus stop

12.47: Ted Conkaffey parks his car beside her

12.52: The girl is missing . . .

Six minutes – that’s all it took to ruin Detective Ted Conkaffey’s life. Accused but not convicted of Claire’s abduction, he escapes north, to the steamy, croc-infested wetlands of Crimson Lake…

Here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we have an extra connection with Candice – she’s one of our world-class presenters and has an excellent online course called Anatomy of a Crime: How to write about murder that we highly recommend. Plus if you want to fully immerse yourself in this genre, check out our Murder & Mayhem ebook.

But right now, to WIN a copy of Candice’s new book, we have a question for you. Six minutes was all it took to turn the protagonist’s life upside down in Crimson Lake, so tell us (in 25 words or fewer) what YOU would do if you had an extra six minutes in your day?



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