COMP CLOSED: WIN ‘A Solitary Walk on the Moon’ by Hilde Hinton

‘Evelyn went to the third drawer down in her dresser. It was her drawer of things past … she had an item from each of her previous lives. Evelyn was good at reinventing herself, becoming who she was going to be next, but she still kept one thing from each life. Never two…’

This week’s giveaway book is A Solitary Walk on the Moon by Hilde Hinton, follow up to her acclaimed debut The Loudness of Unsaid Things. We have three to be won.

For Evelyn, mornings pass as mornings always do. She ticks off the jobs at the laundromat and gives welcoming smiles to those who come in. If they’ve earned one.

Evelyn knows what is going on in her community because she pays attention. She sees the weariness of the frazzled shop owners, the woman with the nasty boyfriend, the nice man with the curly-topped dog, the car parking war and the forgetful man. The community might not notice Evelyn, because it is easy to overlook the seemingly ordinary. But Evelyn is far from ordinary. She isn’t afraid to put things right, and is always ready to find lost property or lost people – even if that means breaking the rules.

For a boy with a struggling mum, and a lonely man with a smile in his eyes, Evelyn is going to make a difference, whether they like it or not. She will teach them that you don’t have to be blood to be family. And they will remind her of what comes from loving someone. It is up to Evelyn if she can pay the price.

With a joyous and unique touch, this extraordinary novel gives us an insight into the people we pass on the street. In detailing their rich lives, she breaks then mends our hearts with her wisdom, her insight and her unforgettable characters who remind us what can happen if we stop and say hello.

To win a copy, we’d like you to share something funny you’ve overheard strangers saying. Maybe it was in a cafe, on a train, or at the park. Anywhere! Our three favourite entries will win a copy of this book.

Entries close midday Monday 25 April 2022, Sydney/Melbourne time.


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