COMP CLOSED: Win a copy of Guilt by Matt Nable

This week’s AWC competition is guilt-free – i.e. you can score yourself a copy of new book Guilt, for free!

The book’s author, Matt Nable, has an impressive story of his own – playing national rugby league in the 1990s, before moving to screenwriting, book writing and acting; the latter including appearances in Underbelly: Badness, this year’s Gallipoli and the current 3rd season of hit US show Arrow. Matt also recently spoke to us in episode 59 of our So you want to be a writer podcast.

Guilt is a story that flicks between 1989 and 2009. It centres around a group of young people who experience an incident that changes the rest of their lives. Twenty years later, the ramifications of the incident still impact their existence. Set in the northern beaches of Sydney, this is a compelling novel that unfolds as the reader gets to know each character – and the unwitting part they played in what happened.

From the exuberance and euphoria of youth to the domestic stress and complicated problems of adult life, third-time novelist Matt Nable astutely captures human behaviour in a way that makes you recognise yourself – and your friends – in his richly painted portrait of family relationships, strained friendships, forgiveness and guilt.

To win a copy of Matt’s new book, we’d simply like you to tell us something you feel GUILTY about. The entry we like the best will win!

Thanks for your entries! This competition has now closed. Winners will be announced in our newsletter.

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