Victorian Community History Awards 2015

Hey history buffs! Do you love your Victorian history? Australian Victorian history, that is!

Entries for the Victorian Community History Awards are now open.

From the Public Record Office of Victoria:

The Victorian Community History Awards recognise excellence in historical storytelling. The range of award categories reflects the variety of formats that can be used to reach and enrich the lives of Victorians through history.

Awards are given for work across the following categories:

Victorian Community History Award – $5000
Collaborative Community History Award – $2000
Local History Project Award – $2000
History Publication Award – $2000
Local History Small Publication Award – $1500
Multimedia History Award – $1500
Historical Interpretation Award – $1500
Centenary of ww1 Award – $1500
History Article (Peer Reviewed) – $500

Entries close 2pm Friday the 7th of August. Get more details and your entry form from the History Victoria website.

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