Share YOUR Furious Fiction experience!

As our monthly Furious Fiction competition approaches its 3rd birthday, we’d like to mark the milestone with a celebration of the amazing, varied and creatively courageous people who enter each month. Maybe you’ve entered just once, maybe every month, or something in between – whatever the case, if you have something to share, we’d love to hear from you!

Furious Fiction: The stories behind the stories…

Until 31 December 2020, we invite you to submit your own short personal true stories (max 250 words) about your experience with Furious Fiction. In particular, we’d like to showcase the many and varied ways creative writing has positively shaped individuals all over the world.

Heartfelt, funny, serious – your short piece can be anything at all that offers an insight into YOUR personal experience with this monthly creative challenge.

  • It may be about connecting with loved ones through writing.
  • Perhaps it has allowed you to meet new friends.
  • Or helped you to establish a regular writing habit.
  • It could be how it has improved your creative confidence through taking part.
  • Perhaps you have a story of how entering helped you during a tough time?
  • Or a funny story about cutting a deadline close one month?
  • Maybe you have a special thing you always do each Furious Fiction weekend?
  • Or an example of how your small story sparked a bigger project like a novel?
  • Your story might relate to the competition in general or be about a specific month or set of prompts. It’s up to you!

Submissions are open until 31 December 2020.

Remember, each of these ‘stories behind the stories’ should be no longer than 250 words in length and we will be featuring a selection of these stories in the final celebration piece, to be released early 2021.


Please note:
We’ll never sell or distribute your personal details. By submitting your story, you grant permission for it to be published (along with your name/pen name) on the Australian Writers’ Centre website, newsletter and in the final online collection. Any details collected will only be used by the Australian Writers’ Centre.

Read our full privacy policy.

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