Perth meet-up and information night

We’re holding a FREE Perth Information Night and Meet-up

Time and date:

Monday 20 January 2014
Time: 6.30-8pm


Meet Australian Writers’ Centre National Director Valerie Khoo and State Director – WA Alecia Hancock.
 They’ll be speaking about the Centre’s launch in Perth and answering any questions you may have.

About Valerie:
Valerie Khoo is an award-winning feature writer who has been writing for Fairfax for the past 12 years. Her articles appear regularly in The Sydney Morning Herald. Before becoming a freelance writer 12 years ago, she was features director of CLEO. Valerie is also the journalist behind the popular Enterprise blog on and,,, and Valerie is editor of Latte magazine, Australia’s leading magazine for businesswomen. Read more about Valerie here.

About Alecia:
Alecia HancockAlecia Hancock has been working in the media for 12 years, with most of her time spent at the helm of local and national magazines. 

After securing her first editor title at the tender age of 20, Alecia has been the manager of a record label, editor-in-chief of health and fitness magazine Oxygen, editor-in-chief of Perth VITA, founding editor of Habitat & Lifestyle and Custom Publishing Editor at The West Australian. 
Read more about Alecia here.

You’ll also have the chance to meet our course presenters! Journalist and magazine editor Alecia Hancock who presents Magazine Writing Stage 1, award-winning novelist Natasha Lester who will run Creative Writing Stage 1 and Trae Flett from Where’s My Glow who will be teaching students all about Blogging for Beginners.


If you like meeting in real life, this information night and meet-up is a brilliant way of bringing graduates and prospective students together for an informal catch up. 
More than just a chat about apostrophes and rejection letters, these meet-ups put faces to names, names to genres and can even lead to fantastic collaborations.

We also welcome anyone who is interested in seeing what this whole writing nonsense is all about!


Wembley Hotel
344 Cambridge Street
Wembley WA 6014


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