COMP CLOSED: Win 3 x Bear Grylls’ new book!

This week at AWC Competition Central, we have a name you will probably be familiar with, but doing something that may surprise you. It’s likely that the name Bear Grylls will ring a bunch of bells in the ‘survival’ and ‘DIY action hero’ realm of the non-fiction literary world. From

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"I got published!": Mihiri Udabage

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead. Mihiri says:  Feature article in

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"I got published!": Heidi Van Dort

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead. We spotted Heidi in MyCareer

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"I got published!": Jo Hartley

We spotted Jo in Sunday Life recently! Congratulations Jo! If you have a success story to share with us, you can do so right here. We’ll share it with the world! For more success stories, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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The Ruth Rendell short story competition 2015

Writers in all genres, hear ye, hear ye! A huge competition is underway. Can you whittle your words down to the best 1000 or fewer? Here’s your chance to gallantly win the tournament and take home the gold… er… we mean pounds. The challenge for writers is to write a

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Ep 67 Meet Andy Griffiths, author of the Treehouse Series

In Episode 67 of So you want to be a writer: Ten works of literature that were seriously strenuous to write, Eat, Pray, Love anthology looking for submissions, The Sydney Morning Herald to reverse “dumb idea” and bring subediting back in-house, Darren Rowse launches new Problogger podcast, Writer in Residence Andy Griffiths,

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Book trailer: The Soldier’s Wife by Pamela Hart

We love Pamela Hart’s book trailer for her new book The Soldier’s Wife. Pamela (who also writes under Pamela Freeman) is our wonderful Director of the Creative Writing faculty here at the Australian Writers’ Centre. Check out the trailer here: You can buy The Soldier’s Wife here. Pamela also teaches

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What new freelance writers need to know about tax

By Liz Russell  Back in our parents’ day, working two jobs meant an around-the-clock commitment. These days, it’s become a lot easier to juggle multiple engagements. You can have a day job in the office to guarantee a regular flow of income, and do freelance writing jobs on the side.

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Writers: are we safe from the robot invasion?

Writers and authors; great news. If and when our fridges start talking to our mobile phones, and plotting world domination with our garage door remotes, we can be assured of one thing – we’re not so easily replaced. That’s right. A little procrastination device post appeared online this week with

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“My First Time”: Sylvia Day

Author Sylvia Day has sold more than 16 million copies of her romance novels in just over a decade. But the story of how she first got published goes all the way back to her childhood… “I knew I wanted to be a romance novelist when I was 12. It

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"I got published!": Heather Smith

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead. Heather says:  I am excited

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Photo of the Wikipedia entry for Comprised of

Q&A: Is “comprised of” a compromise?

Each week, we chat about the quirks & anomalies of the English language. This week comprises of an often controversial word… Q: Hi AWC, I was wondering if you could clear something up for me? A: We told you last time that if the rash persisted you should see your

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Sofie Laguna named winner of Miles Franklin Award 2015!

A big congratulations to Sofie Laguna for taking out the Miles Franklin Award for 2015. Sofie won with her novel, The Eye of the Sheep. From the media release: Perpetual, as Trustee of the Miles Franklin Literary Award, today announced Sofie Laguna as the winner of the 2015 award for

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"I got published!": Megan Blandford

We spotted Megan in Essential Kids recently! Congratulations Megan! If you have a success story to share with us, you can do so right here. We’ll share it with the world! For more success stories, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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Sylvia Day’s sex scenes and advice on threesomes

Sylvia Day is the #1 New York Times and #1 international bestselling author of over 20 award-winning romance novels sold in more than 40 countries. Her books have topped lists in 23 countries, with 16 million of copies in print. (That was a lot of numbers, wasn’t it?) Her Crossfire series

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COMP CLOSED: Win 2 new Harper Collins books!

This week here at AWC Competition Central, we have two new books to give away from with thanks to our friends from HarperCollins. The first is Five Nights in Paris: After Dark in the City of Light by John Baxter. John has made walking and talking about Paris quite a thing,

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Shortlisted Sofie shares some sage, sensible suggestions

The Miles Franklin Award for literature has been handed out in Australia almost every year since 1957. Stella Miles Franklin herself stipulated that the prize was “to be awarded for the Novel for the year which is of the highest literary merit and which must present Australian Life in any of

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"I got published!": Kira Carlin

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead. Kira says:  I’m starting an

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Author Favel Parrett on publicity and productivity

In episode 35 of our top-rating So you want to be a writer podcast, Australian author Favel Parrett spoke with Allison Tait about many things. Here are two: On publicity: “I’d love to be like Cormac McCarthy and never do anything, no public speaking, and just hide away and write

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Q&A: Versus and versing

Each week, we chat about the quirks & anomalies of the English language. This week, we’re up against it with an exploration of “versus”… Q: Hi AWC, I keep hearing kids say “versing”. As in, “our team is versing your team this weekend”. Surely that’s not a “thing” is it?

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The new generation of magazine and newspaper writers

We recently completed a wonderful five weeks for our first course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 2. And I have to say that I’m incredibly inspired by the talent I saw in the 60 students who participated in the first intake. We’ve already seen many students published in mainstream

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