Novella writing competition is now open for Australian and New Zealand residents

Do you have a novella that you’re dying to publish? A work of fiction that was not meant to be a full novel, but should see the light of day.

We have exciting news!

The Viva la Novella competition is now in its 8th year and is open for submissions.

What is it?

It’s a novella writing competition, and the grand prize is cash and publication with Seizure

According to the website:

“We want your novellas. We want extraordinary stories that surprise, unnerve, discomfort and inspire. The competition is open to all genres and in the past we have awarded the prize to dystopian spec-fic, a reimagined Colonial story and realist fiction – among others. 

“Seizure invites Australian and New Zealand residents to submit their completed novella manuscripts for consideration. We are looking for two writers, who will each receive a $1000 prize and publication with Seizure in print and digital formats.“

Sounds pretty great, huh?

You do need to be an Australian or New Zealand resident to enter, and your manuscript needs to be between 20,000 – 50,000 words. And any genres are welcome. 

So get that novella manuscript into shape and enter.

Entries close 31 December 2019.

You can find out more and enter here.

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