Melbourne meet-up with Natalie Sisson

Time and date:

Wednesday 29 January 2014
Time: 6.30-8pm


Writer, author, speaker, coach and blogger Natalie Sisson, founder of popular blog, ‘The Suitcase Entrepreneur’.

In 2013, Natalie lived in over 14 countries. Leaving her hometown of New Zealand in 2006, she’s been dubbed ‘The Suitcase Entrepreneur’, travelling the world, writing and living out of her suitcase.

A prolific business and travel writer she is featured regularly in The Huffington Post, Forbes and Mashable – providing key insights on her life as a female entrepreneur.

With a thriving online community of more than 40,000 website visitors a month, Natalie’s weekly posts, podcast interviews with entrepreneurs and how-to video series have helped her pursue her passion for travelling, writing and blogging.

Her book The Suitcase Entrepreneur launched in 2013 and is now a #1 Amazon best-seller. Her goal is to create a movement of 100,000 people by 2020 who turn their dreams into reality by starting their own freedom based online businesses.


The Abbotsford Convent – Bishops Parlour
1 St Heliers Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067



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