Kim Wilkins reminds us to slow down and smell the…trees

kim-wilkins-author-photo-bwWe love this quote from a 2014 interview we did with author Kim Wilkins (who also writes as Kimberley Freeman). It’s such an important thing to remember in this ‘busy’ world we live in. Thanks Kim!

“If you’ve ever found yourself waiting for five minutes somewhere, just five minutes, just say you’re waiting at the gate for your kids to come out of school, what do you do? You pull your phone out of your pocket and you go on Facebook or you check your email, whereas 10 years ago you would have just looked at the trees. I think we need to do more looking at trees, you know? We need to do more sort of reflection, just quiet reflection and we need to just wait, because when you’re waiting and reflecting the ideas come.

“You know what happens when you’re busy all the time or when you’ve got that feeling of ‘busyness’ upon you all the time? Life just flies past. It flies past at a rate of knots and you find yourself saying things like, ‘Oh goodness, February is almost over, and gosh, I’m so busy.’ People say, ‘How are you?’ and you say, ‘I’m busy.’

“We’re not busy. We’re not that bloody busy.

“Step away from the internet…If you can just focus even a little bit, even if you can’t make the big holistic change in life and do yoga, make your own yoghurt and everything. I think it’s really, really important just to make time for reflection, to be present in the moment.

“The next time you get that urge, that twitch reflex to get out your phone and go on Facebook, don’t. Look at a tree. And I swear to you if you do that more often, your life improves, time slows down, you have better relationships and you write better.”

See the forest. See the trees.
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