"I got published!": Mihiri Udabage

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead.

Mihiri says: 

Feature article in July 2015 issue of CHILD Magazines. A national magazine, free to parents, reaching one million readers per month.
‘Raising Kids Who Read’

I have written many articles for Essential Kids, a Fairfax Media digital parenting site, some of which include; 6 reasons why your son should learn ballet, Tips for Prince George on how to be a great big brother and Why city families need outback holidays.

Doing the Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 Course helped me to get organised and more professional in terms of making my pitches to editors. Once I had established an online portfolio, I felt I had the tools and confidence to start making pitches.

Congratulations Mihiri! Wanna read what she wrote? Follow the links above.

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