Ep 484: Meredith Jaffe on writing her book ‘The Tricky Art of Forgiveness’.

Meredith Jaffe on writing her book The Tricky Art of Forgiveness. Writing fictional scenes based on real life. And you could win the gripping novel One Punch by Julie Fison.

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Writer in residence: Meredith Jaffe

Meredith Jaffé is the author of four novels for adults – The Tricky Art of Forgiveness (March 2022), The Dressmakers of Yarrandarrah Prison (May 2021), The Making of Christina (2017) and The Fence (2016.) Horse Warrior, the first in a children’s series, was published in 2019. She also contributed a short story, Emergency Undies, to the 2019 Funny Bones anthology.

She is the Festival Director of StoryFest, held on the NSW South Coast, and regularly facilitates at other writers’ festivals and author events. Previously, she wrote the weekly literary column for the online women’s magazine The Hoopla. Her feature articles, reviews, and opinion pieces have also appeared in The Guardian Australia, The Huffington Post, and Mamamia.

Follow Meredith on Twitter.

Follow Harper Collins Australia on Twitter.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers’ Centre and our course Write Your Novel

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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