Emily Bronte wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

We’ve received many messages from people around Australia and the world to congratulate us on our excellent milestone here at the Australian Writers’ Centre. (We turned 10!) But a couple of them were quite unexpected, such as this one from famous 19th-century authoring sister, Emily Bronte…

“Congratulations Australian Writers Centre on reaching such wuthering heights. Ten years. I’ve been a waif for 10 years!

“I sought, and soon discovered, the courses I wanted to take. I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the manuscripts fluttering among the agents and publishers, listened to the soft wisdom breathing through the class, and wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet writing without the quiet confidence of industry knowledge and world-class presenters.

“It is unutterable! I cannot live without my course notes! I cannot live without my words!”

Emily Bronte


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