COMP CLOSED: Win this f***ing book!

If apostrophes – or more specifically, apostrophe rules – drive you crazy, this could be just the book for you. And it’s not shy in telling you exactly what kind of book it is.

Written by Simon Griffin, the rather aptly titled F***ing Apostrophes (we’ve replaced letters with asterisks in this post, but you can see the real title in the picture!) may appear to be the work of folly, but is actually an extremely useful pocket guide. Within its blasphemous pages you’ll find clarity on every apostrophe rule you’ve ever struggled with. Accompanied by a host of brilliantly dry examples that poke fun at plenty of people and trends, this could well be the most useful and honest-talking book in your collection.

Here are some excerpts (it’s an excerpt, so we’re keeping the swearing in!): 

Singular possessives are shown by adding a fucking apostrophe and then an s.
Lance Armstrong’s test results.
John Travolta’s toothbrush.
Possessive pronouns and adjectives never use fucking apostrophes.
Examples (“its”):
The lasagne didn’t mention horsemeat on its list of ingredients.
Donald removed his hair and put it back in its cage.
Don’t get omission fucking apostrophes mixed with possessive fucking apostrophes.
Kim’s balancing a champagne glass on her backside. (Omission)
Kim’s backside may have been Photoshopped. (Possessive)

We have THREE copies of this book to give away! So, to win it for yourself or the pedant or grammatically challenged person in your life, we’d like you to tell us your favourite clean F word and why! (max 25 words). The three entries we like the best, each get a book.




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