Category: Writing tools, apps and gifts

Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

12 writing courses you can start right now

As the new year approaches so too comes the rush of excitement and motivation to achieve all of your writing goals. Don’t waste it! Here are a host of on-demand courses that you can do all in your own time, at your own pace. The best part is, you don’t

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How to use the Snip tool to save hours at work

We’re all celebrating right now at the Australian Writers’ Centre because we’ve finally launched our new-look website. If you haven’t had a peek, check it out. We hope it makes your journey with us easier to navigate so that you can achieve your goals faster. Believe it or not, a

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Author Natasha Lester
Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Novelist Natasha Lester on how she uses Scrivener

Bestselling author and AWC presenter Natasha Lester discovered Scrivener after becoming fed up with Word, and hasn’t looked back! Check out this interview excerpt from our Facebook Live stream with Natasha at our recent Sydney meet-up, where she discusses how Scrivener was a game-changer for her novel writing process. From being able to

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AWC weekly giveaways
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED: Win a Literary Tea pack valued at over $100!

It’s a special giveaway this week – with one lucky winner scoring a delicious tea pack from the Literary Tea Co! With a slogan that reads “Drink more tea, read more books” we knew this was a match made in competition heaven. Each certified organic tea is blended here in

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Editing and collaborating in Google Docs

This is a guest post from Tamyka Bell, a Brisbane-based writer and tech enthusiast who will test-drive any new writing tool at least once. You can find her at Tamyka wrote this post when she heard Valerie Khoo and Allison Tait talk about using “track changes” in Word in

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Valerie Khoo

Hack of the week: Make love to your apostrophe

When I’m using my smartphone, I almost develop a facial tick whenever I’m typing a word that needs an apostrophe. Usually, I’m on the go and want to minimise keystrokes and tap out a super quick message. But then comes a word that needs an apostrophe like: I’ll He’ll We’re

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to use Scrivener to plan a book

I’ve written before about my love of Scrivener. And just when I thought I couldn’t love it any more, I find out something else about the program that makes me swoon! I’ve been playing around with Scrivener’s Outliner and I’ve discovered that, especially for a non-planner like me, it’s an

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

9 smart apps to make you a smarter writer

Want to be a smarter writer? Of course you do. Well, it’s going to mean more than knowing the difference between “its” and “it’s” (although, kudos for that too, by the way). These days, apps are where it’s at. Once you get beyond crushing candy, blitzing jewels and Kate-Uptonesque games

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

3 more reasons why Scrivener makes writing a book easy

I recently blogged about how Scrivener was helping me to imagine all kinds of structural possibilities for my novel, because of the way it made setting up and manipulating the ordering of the scenes in my book so easy. In this post, I’m going to cover off three other features of

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Gifts for writers: Fifty Shades of "Yay"

Writers usually need a little organisation to balance their days. And the one place they spend the most amount of time is their keyboards. So it was only a matter of time before someone combined the two. There is nothing remotely complex about this gift idea from Poketo. It’s effectively

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Gifts for writers: Penguin’s got it covered

The famous saying suggests that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But that’s ridiculous. For starters, a book’s cover has its title on it, and the author who wrote it. Of course we’re going to judge it. Okay, yes, we are taking that rather literally. But it’s only

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Dean Koorey

5 reasons to save writing for a rainy day

Who loves writing on rainy days? A show of hands please. (No, not you mime artists ­– your entire act is a ‘show of hands’…) Okay, so quite a few of you. We agree that writing on a rainy day is awesome – there’s just something about it. But what

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Crowd Control: Crowdfunding Tips for Authors and Publishers

Right now, it seems everyone is raising money for something. Maybe you’ve already received a few emails this week from friends and family members asking for support. And maybe you’re fed up with very distant acquaintances asking you to give money to develop some technology you don’t understand, or create

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to print out your highlighted passages from your Kindle

So you’ve devoured your fave books on Kindle and highlighted a bunch of passages that resonate with you. But how can you get those passages out of your Kindle and into a workable document (like Word or Evernote)?

Whether you want to print them out, use them in an article you’re writing (which you’ll attribute correctly of course!) or something else entirely, here’s how you can do it:

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