Category: Writing tools, apps and gifts

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Want to improve your writing? Do this one thing

If we told you there was one simple thing you could do which would take your writing to the next level – and you already knew how to do it, it was enjoyable, and could often be done for free – would you believe us? It’s one of the top

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Writing for kids and teens
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 ways writing can help reduce your teen’s anxiety

Anxiety is better recognised and understood than ever before, but for parents of teenagers struggling with anxiety it can still be hard to know how to help. One great way is to encourage them to express themselves via writing.  Bestselling parenting book author Michael Grose shares with us some practical

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Non-fiction and business books
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 top tips for writing creative non-fiction

Creative non-fiction is an increasingly popular genre for readers and writers alike. The real world can be stranger than fiction, and audiences are eager to learn and be entertained at the same time. If you’re searching for tips to make your creative non-fiction writing stand out, look no further: we’ve

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Writing news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The smart Story Dogs who are helping kids to read!

Spending time reading aloud to a dog sounds like heaven to us here at AWC headquarters. But for kids in the Story Dogs program, it’s more than just puppy cuddles and books – it’s the key to improving literacy. Founded by Janine Sigley and Leah Sheldon in 2009, Story Dogs

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Writer with pencil and notepad having fun
Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Make writing fun again

By award-winning author, Allison Rushby. We’ve all been there. It’s Sunday. Your chores are done. Everyone else in the house has gone out. The dog/cat/ferret has been walked/played with/whatever you do with a ferret. You’ve got a few hours up your sleeve. Uninterrupted time! You were all set to write

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 key mistakes to avoid when self-editing your manuscript

For writers, self-editing is a crucial skill, especially if you’re planning to send your finished manuscript off to a publisher or enter it in a competition. Whether or not you have friends who can help you as beta readers, you need to be able to edit yourself well.   The Australian

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

How to write during a pandemic

By Adrian Beck, author of the Derek Dool: Supercool series.
Making time to write is tough.
Making time to write when you have kids is an even bigger challenge.
But making time to write when you have kids (doing remote learning) whilst in the middle of a pandemic is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! Well, nearly. But like Tom Cruise, I’ve found a way. And I also do all my own stunts.

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

3 ways to encourage a love of writing in your teen

Teenage writers are bursting with creativity and fresh perspective, but between the structure of the English curriculum and all their other work, sometimes writing falls by the wayside. If you have a talented teen you’d like to support as a writer – or you’re wondering how to get your teen

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Business writing
Guest Writer

7 ways to be more creative at work

As writers, creativity is the lifeblood of our work. From searching for the truth of an idea, to understanding the motivations of a character, or simply moving words on a page to make the perfect phrase. Without it, we’d be lost but its value isn’t limited to just writing. Creativity

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Watch the ‘So you want to be a writer’ Block Party replay

Australian Writers’ Centre CEO Valerie Khoo and bestselling author Allison Tait hosted the biggest party for the So you want to be a writer podcast community. The Block Party Facebook Live event  attendees were invited to ask any burning questions they had about all things writing and publishing. With their

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

21 simple ways to promote your book

It can be hard to get cut-through with your new book with so many others competing for attention. If you’re stuck for ideas, here are 21 ways to spread the word about your book which are simple yet effective. Be active on social media. Make sure you have public accounts

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 ways to write your novel while juggling your day job

The vast majority of authors who are starting out juggle their passion for writing with a day job. If you want to write a novel, you might wonder how to get that done when you’ve already got a bunch of other commitments. The authors we spoke to all combined day

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Guest Writer

10 mobile libraries around the world

Today, searching for a good book is easy to do since the internet is everywhere. Before we had the internet, people had to look for other options. Bookstores and libraries were easy places to get to for those who lived in town, but people who did not live in the

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The bookshelves of 20 celebrities

Your bookshelf can give people an insight into your soul. Big statement, we know. But your choice of books can reveal a lot about your passions, interests, hopes, fears – and everything in between.  So we’re taking a peek at what some famous people have on their bookshelf. Global English

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Why writing fiction and journalling can be helpful

A guest post by Vanessa McCausland I have a theory that a big part of what makes someone a writer is what writing does for us. It’s an outlet. It’s a balm. For me, writing has always been a place where I can let all my emotions out. I’ve had

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Writing news
Guest Writer

Writing through homeschooling

This is a guest post by Cassie Hamer Until two weeks ago, I’d never ever contemplated the idea of homeschooling my three daughters. Not once. Not ever. Never ever ever. Can I make that any clearer?  Never.  As an author and mum of three, school has been a life-saver. For

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

AWC team share their useful tips for working from home

The team at the Australian Writers’ Centre are old hands at from working home. As we offer courses across Australia, we have staff all over the country. There are a lot of articles out there about how you can stay productive, organised and distraction-free – all while doing your job

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Yes, you CAN still enjoy storytime with your older kids

Reading aloud with your kids is one of life’s most precious moments. It’s a special time to connect with your children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighbours. There’s nothing like sitting down together to share storytime. If it’s been a while since you last had the chance to read with

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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ask Me Anything with Valerie Khoo

Each month, members of the Freelance Writing Masterclass Program can join an “Ask Me Anything” session with Valerie Khoo, journalist, editor, and CEO of the Australian Writers’ Centre. Participants have access to Valerie’s amazing wealth of knowledge, as they can literally ask her anything to do with the art and

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