Category: Writing tools, apps and gifts

A wooden desk with a plant, coffee, glasses, notebook, and hands typing on a laptop with the screen showing ‘Landing Page’.
Crime and thriller
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Why authors need landing pages – and what to put on them

By Allison Tait. When people talk about landing pages, writers seem to look the other way, assuming that landing pages are for people with, I don’t know, products to sell. The fact is, though, that if you are an author, with a book to sell, you have a product. Not

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Gifts for your writing mum

With Mother’s Day approaching, it’s time to think about getting something special for your mum (or the significant woman in your life). If your mum loves to write or dreams of being a writer, think beyond the flowers/slippers combo and offer her a gift that tells her that you love

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World of words
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What’s YOUR inspiration?

Here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we often teach the importance of harnessing moments of inspiration to spark your storytelling. These are a valuable and renewable resource – not only powering your writing, but also your own life’s story. Because just like a novel, sometimes your life needs moments of inspiration to

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light the creative spark in 2022
Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

22 ways to reinvent yourself in the New Year

Are you feeling keen to shake up your routine this year? Perhaps you’ve just been through a big life change? A new career, the end of a relationship, a move to a different city? Everyone goes through stages of life where you become a bit unsure about who you are

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World of words
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Solve our holiday cryptic clues quiz

The holidays are a great time to sit back and give your brain a well-earned rest, right? Well, it’s also a great time to test its limits – with our now-infamous annual holiday treat. That’s right, we’re back this year with a collection of cryptic clues for you to solve.

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Relax with these good books
Word of the week
Australian Writers' Centre Team

22 recommended reads for 2022

Word of mouth – it remains one of the most powerful ways to find out about something new. And so, with our AWC community being filled with avid readers, we decided to ask “what were some of your favourite books that you read this year?”. The books didn’t have to

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Learn from anywhere with AWC online courses
Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

9 online courses to do this summer

Ah the allure of summer. Where you can sit outside getting sunburnt, frantically waving flies from your face, while sweat falls from your skin in salty cascades… On second thought, why not stay inside in the aircon and learn a new skill instead? For those of you who would much

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What was your favourite book you read in 2021?

One of the best ways to discover something new is through ‘word of mouth’ recommendations. It could be a bottle of wine, a movie, someone to clean your gutters or even something great to read. We know for a fact that our community has read a lot of books this

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5 writing courses to gift this Christmas Australian Writers' Centre
Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 writing courses to gift this Christmas

Forget the designer notebook and expensive pen. This year, why not give the gift of creativity to the writer in your life with an Australian Writers’ Centre gift voucher? It’s ideal for an aspiring writer to take the next step with their creative interests, whatever they may be. Valid for

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Your Shelfies

Recently in our newsletter, we were celebrating the wonderful ways in which we surround ourselves with books in our own homes. From vast walls of bookshelves to small piles next to the bed, it’s always a good sign of a thriving, thinking home! And hey, we were CURIOUS – so

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The importance of ghostwriter agreements

This article was written by Sharon Givoni. We’ve all been there. At a party, at a dinner table, out for coffee with the gang—you are telling a story. You’ve told this story so many times and it’s a winner. You embellish here, cut out a few boring bits there, and

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

Here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we’re in the privileged position to chat regularly with successful authors, talented freelancers, world-class presenters and our amazing students. And although everyone approaches writing differently, it’s clear that there are common truths that can be helpful for all. Most importantly, if you want to

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

8 tips for running an online writers’ workshopping group

Running an online workshopping group is a great way to stay accountable while watching your writing improve in leaps and bounds. And finding your tribe will keep you motivated and encouraged. Students in our Write Your Novel program enjoy such benefits as they workshop each other’s writing across six or

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Our top 5 audio resources to improve the dialogue in your stories

Most writers like to snoop and eavesdrop – that’s how you pick up juicy snippets and tidbits to use in your stories. And when writing dialogue, there’s nothing like listening to real conversations to tune your ear and discover interesting phrases. Whenever you’re on a bus or train journey, always

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Alumni news
Guest Writer

5 tips for finding your ‘write’ people

It took me a while to find my people, but when I did things really started happening…fast! 
I went from my world of “one” where no one other than my non-writing family and friends knew about my creative writing projects – to sharing my work with a community of like-minded writers. Here’s how you can fast track your way to finding your people…

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write a guest post for the Australian Writers’ Centre

Maybe you’ve written a book and would like to promote it via a guest post on our blog. Awesome! However, we have some guidelines if you’d like us to consider publishing your post. Let’s get stuck into them. 1. We are big on practical advice Our readers want to learn

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 positive goals to kickstart your writing in 2021

Huzzah! It’s the beginning of a new year. You know what that means? Writing the date wrong for the next six weeks. BUT it also means you can set a shiny new set of goals for your creative writing. We’re all about goals at the Australian Writers’ Centre. Setting small

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World of words
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Holiday Cryptic Clues Quiz

Ahhhh summer – a time for sun, for sand and well, also for word puzzles! Yes, that’s right – here to get you through the holiday break, we’ve compiled a collection of 25 cryptic clues for you to solve. (New to solving cryptic clues? They’re not scary! Check out this

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Writing tools, apps and gifts
Australian Writers' Centre Team

12 gifts for writers

When buying a gift for the writer in your life (and it is 100% okay if this is actually yourself), you can’t go wrong with a notebook or pen. But if you’re looking to go beyond the basics, we’ve rounded up 12 great gift ideas for writers. A whiteboard A

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