Category: So you want to be a writer

Ep 339 Meet literary agent Annabel Barker.

In Episode 339 of So You Want To Be A Writer: Do you want to be a children’s author? Meet literary agent Annabel Barker and discover what you need to do to get published. Plus, we have 3 copies of The Silk House by Kayte Nunn to give away. Click

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Ep 337 Meet Chris Flynn, author of ‘Mammoth’.

In Episode 337 of So You Want To Be A Writer: Meet Chris Flynn, author of Mammoth, a novel narrated by a 13,000-year-old extinct American mastodon. Plus you’ll discover 21 ways to promote your book, and how to deal with your inner critic. We also have 3 copies of The

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Watch the ‘So you want to be a writer’ Block Party replay

Australian Writers’ Centre CEO Valerie Khoo and bestselling author Allison Tait hosted the biggest party for the So you want to be a writer podcast community. The Block Party Facebook Live event  attendees were invited to ask any burning questions they had about all things writing and publishing. With their

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Ep 336 Meet E Lockhart, author of ‘Again Again’.

In Episode 336 of So You Want To Be A Writer: Meet E Lockhart, author of Again Again. Discover how to build good writing habits in your teen. Watch ‘Creative Conversations’ with literary agent Annabel Barker. Learn tips for writing non-fiction for kids. And we have 3 copies of To

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Ep 335 Meet Imbi Neeme, author of ‘The Spill’.

In Episode 335 of So You Want To Be A Writer: Meet Imbi Neeme, author of The Spill. Discover what to ask publishers before you sign a contract. Learn about the new world of UX/UI writing. And we have 3 copies of the award-winning book The Botanical Kitchen by Elly

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