Category: So you want to be a writer

Ep 12 Meet Fiona McFarlane, author of ‘The Night Guest’

In Episode 12 of So you want to be a writer, we ask are journalists miserable, over educated and underpaid? The Best Australian blogs are announced, the secret libraries of New York city, write a novel… in a game, how Reading Australia are making a difference to Australian schools and universities, the

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Ep 10 Meet Gabrielle Tozer, author of ‘The Intern’

In Episode 10 of So you want to be a writer, we ask should you dump your agent and focus on self publishing? The Best Australian Blogs finalists are announced, JuNoWriMo is here (are you in?), the Australian Financial Review apologies for ‘World is Fukt’ front page, the most hated travel writing cliches,

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Episode 8 of ‘So you want to be a writer’ now online!

So you want to be a writer is a weekly podcast from Valerie Khoo and Allison Tait.

Valerie is an author, journalist and national director of the Australian Writers’ Centre.

Allison Tait is an Australian freelance writer, blogger and author, with more than 20 years’ professional writing experience. She is also a presenter at the Australian Writers’ Centre.

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Ep 8 Meet Kate Garklavs, editorial analyst at

In Episode 8 of So you want to be a writer we talk about Puberty Blues, why journalists should use twitter when fired, the Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Shortlist, the 2014 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Shortlist, The Guardian’s Self-Published Book of the Month Competition, Bob Carr’s diva demands, the ideal

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Ep 7 Meet freelance editor Kylie Mason

In Episode 7 of So you want to be a writer, We talk about Julia Gillard’s obsession with Game of Thrones, the train wreck that is the Real Housewives of Melbourne, the new documentary “American Blogger”, more blog to book successes and our Writer in Residence Kylie Mason. Click play below to

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Ep 6 Meet Jack Ellis, author of ‘The Best Feeling of All’

In Episode 6 of So you want to be a writer, we chat about The Hoopla’s new paywall, the myth of creative inspiration, Russell Brand’s new children’s stories, inspiring Pinterest boards for writers, Julian Assange’s new book, we speak with author Jack Ellis and more!  Click play below to listen to the

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Ep 4 Meet Allison Rushby, author of ‘Being Hartley’

In Episode 4 of So you want to be a writer, JK Rowling puts a new Harry Potter story online, do book trailers really work?, we chat about Joanna Penn’s new book Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and other Introverts, you tell us what gets you to the end of a book,  we

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Ep 3 Interview with Dr. Anita Heiss, author of ‘Tiddas’

In Episode 3 of So you want to be a writer, parents and lawmakers fear cursive writing will become a lost art, we tell you our favourite inspirational blogging quotes, we chat about Hazel Edward’s new book Authorpreneurship, you tell us your word crushes, we interview Dr. Anita Heiss, and

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