Category: So you want to be a writer

Ep 73 Meet Jill Margo, author of ‘Pushing the Limits’

In Episode 73 of So you want to be a writer: Grab your blind date with a book, quirky micro book reviews, one traveller’s odd reading habit, an embarrassing mix up at the Kennedy Awards, the book “Write Better, Faster” by Monica Leonelle, what uber-blogger Heather from Dooce said at this year’s

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Ep 71 We talk to literary agent Jacinta di Mase

In Episode 71 of So you want to be a writer: Five essential podcasts for writers, National Bookshop Day, Richard Linklater top choice to direct The Rosie Project movie, the psychology behind writer’s block, an awesome interactive map of the most famous road trips in American literature, Reservoir Dad the movie, text

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Our top 10 podcast episodes for 2015 (…so far!)

We’re on a break this week while Valerie moves house and argues with a certain telco provider about promised installation dates… but in the meantime, we thought we’d share your top 10 podcast episodes for 2015 (…so far!) 1. Ep 45 – Lisa Heidke Our first episode back for the year! We

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Ep 67 Meet Andy Griffiths, author of the Treehouse Series

In Episode 67 of So you want to be a writer: Ten works of literature that were seriously strenuous to write, Eat, Pray, Love anthology looking for submissions, The Sydney Morning Herald to reverse “dumb idea” and bring subediting back in-house, Darren Rowse launches new Problogger podcast, Writer in Residence Andy Griffiths,

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Ep 65 Meet Nicky Pellegrino, author of ‘One Summer in Venice’

In Episode 65 of So you want to be a writer: Valerie and Allison congratulate AWC graduate Belinda Williams on her latest novel The Pitch published with Momentum, they discuss two new content marketing agencies launched in Australia, HarperCollins’ new Book Bliss, the 29 Minute Book service for those who want to be

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Ep 63 Meet Lindsey Kelk, author of ‘Always the Bridesmaid’

In Episode 63 of So you want to be a writer: Australian writers on #WhereIWrite, the ethics of branded content marketing, famous authors who were rejected by publishers, the superpower all published writers have (and you can have too!), Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner on art, a street map made up of

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Ep 55 Meet Jane Richards, author of ‘The Painted Sky’

In Episode 55 of So you want to be a writer: Judith Rossell wins an Indie Award! Book 2 of the Mapmaker Chronicles is released, how punctuation marks got their names, 10 tools to keep you writing, first novel published at 95 years old, Anonyponymous: The Forgotten People Behind Everyday Words,

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