Category: So you want to be a writer

Ep 218 Top 10 writing tips from our favourite authors

In Episode 218 of So you want to be a writer: Valerie and Allison discuss 10 writing tips from some of their favourite interviews with authors. We have 10 double passes to The Commuter starring Liam Neeson to give away, you’ll learn the origin of “to make no bones”, and much more.

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Ep 217 Meet travel writer Sue White

In Episode 217 of So you want to be a writer: What name was given to Ice Age fossils found in an LA subway? 3 ways to uncover your character’s true motivation. What does it really mean to be a best-selling author? Go in the draw to win our 12 books of

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Ep 214 Meet Jackie French, author of over 200 books

In Episode 214 of So you want to be a writer: Why you should enter literary prizes and 3 questions Allison Tait has never been asked. Scrivener gets a huge update and Annie Proulx gives a truly great speech at the National Book Awards. Discover your chance to win Uncommon Type

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Ep 212 How to pick the perfect book title

In Episode 212 of So you want to be a writer: Tips for how to pick the perfect book title. Plus: how you can promote your book and build a mailing list, even before your book is published. Click play below to listen to the podcast. You can also listen on Apple

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