Category: So you want to be a writer

Ep 249 Meet Dianne Blacklock, author of ‘Jack and Kate’

In Episode 249 of So you want to be a writer: Discover short story comps for children’s writers and learn about scholarships to a Writers Retreat in Iceland. Plus, you’ll meet Dianne Blacklock, author of Jack and Kate. Click play below to listen to the podcast. You can also listen on Apple

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Ep 246 Meet Tim Harris, author of ‘Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables’

In Episode 246 of So you want to be a writer: You’ll meet Tim Harris, author of Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables. Shout-out to Allison Rushby for winning the Davitt Award for Children’s fiction for The Turnkey. Mandy Foot lands children’s book deal as writer and illustrator and Catherine Pelosi celebrates her second children’s book

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Ep 245 Meet Paul French, author of ‘City of Devils’

In Episode 245 of So you want to be a writer: A group of researchers trained robots to write poetry. Discover when in the writing process you should hire an editor and how some authors got their agents. Allison shares tips for recreating characters from The Ateban Cipher series for Book Week

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Ep 241 Meet Ali Berg, co-author of ‘The Book Ninja’

In Episode 241 of So you want to be a writer: Meet the guy who writes the messages you find in fortune cookies and learn about real estate copywriting. And we chat to Ali Berg, co-author of The Book Ninja. Click play below to listen to the podcast. You can also listen on

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Ep 240 Meet Kirsty Manning, author of ‘The Jade Lily’

In Episode 240 of So you want to be a writer: Avoid the perils of striving for perfection and learn about the copywriter who cold called 500 places in one week. Impress your friends by using ‘defenestrate’ in your casual conversations and discover your chance to win an awesome 3 book pack.

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Ep 239 Meet James Bradley, author of ‘The Buried Ark’

In Episode 239 of So you want to be a writer: You’ll discover why scheduling and routine are keys to success as a writer. Hear tips from a debut author and learn about fellowships for writers. And you’ll meet James Bradley, author of The Buried Ark. Click play below to listen to

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Ep 238 Meet Belinda Castles, author of ‘Bluebottle’

In Episode 238 of So you want to be a writer: Discover the Wattpad sensation that turned into a Netflix hit and the five mistakes that new writers make (as told by an editor). Learn all about pacing and beat sheets! Submissions for a new anthology, Growing Up Queer in Australia,

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Ep 237 Meet Megan Goldin, author of ‘The Escape Room’

In Episode 237 of So you want to be a writer: Discover murder mystery author Jane Harper’s tips on how to write a bestseller. The Davitt Award long list has been announced. Learn about the new mystery writing prize from Brio. We are announcing our new online course in Content Writing and

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