Category: Non-fiction and business books

Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Video: Rebecca Lee on ‘How Words Get Good’

Rebecca Lee is the author of author of How Words Get Good: The Story of Making a Book. She’s also an editorial manager at Penguin Random House, with twenty years of experience managing hundreds of high profile books from delivery of manuscript to finished copies, signing off millions of words as

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The importance of ghostwriter agreements

This article was written by Sharon Givoni. We’ve all been there. At a party, at a dinner table, out for coffee with the gang—you are telling a story. You’ve told this story so many times and it’s a winner. You embellish here, cut out a few boring bits there, and

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Non-fiction and business books
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 top tips for writing creative non-fiction

Creative non-fiction is an increasingly popular genre for readers and writers alike. The real world can be stranger than fiction, and audiences are eager to learn and be entertained at the same time. If you’re searching for tips to make your creative non-fiction writing stand out, look no further: we’ve

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Memoir writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

4 biggest mistakes to avoid when writing creative non-fiction

Creative non-fiction – whether it’s retelling stories from human history or publishing a compelling memoir – is a genre of writing which is more complex than it may first seem. When combining truth and facts with writing style and techniques, there are plenty of potential obstacles for writers to run

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Memoir writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The rise and rise of ‘stealth help’ books

‘Stealth help’: everything you need to know about the new genre that’s snuck up on us. The phrase ‘stealth help’ might not be one you’ve heard of before – but in the literary world, it’s one that’s gaining popularity. It refers to a growing category of books which don’t fit

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AWC weekly giveaways
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED ‘488 Rules for Life’ by Kitty Flannagan

This week’s giveaway book is 488 Rules for Life – Kitty Flanagan’s way of making the world a more pleasant place to live. Providing you with the antidote to every annoying little thing, these rules are not made to be broken. 488 Rules for Life is not a self-help book,

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AWC weekly giveaways
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED ‘The Strayan Dictionary’ by Dom Knight

In this holiday week, we’re kicking back and embracing our Aussie-ness, with three copies of Dominic Knight’s new book, The Strayan Dictionary, to give away. This is a true-blue, rinky-dink, the most un-un-Australian dictionary ever created – a hilarious journey through our unique words and phrases. The Strayan Dictionary is

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AWC weekly giveaways
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED ‘Last Christmas’ by Greg Wise and Emma Thompson

It’s that time of year and this week’s giveaway is Last Christmas – curated by Greg Wise and Emma Thompson. It’s a fascinating collection of personal essays about the meaning of Christmas, written by a unique plethora of voices from the boulevards of Hollywood to the soup kitchens of Covent

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Enter The Deakin University Non-fiction Prize 2019

Write non-fiction? The Deakin University Non-Fiction Prize is now open and there’s $3,000 AUD up for grabs! Entries for this competition close on 1 September 2019. It’s open to writers aged 30 and under, writing long-form non-fiction who are also Australian residents. From the media release: Entries between 5,000 and

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 online courses to make you a better writer

There’s nothing like the convenience of online learning to help you fit personal projects around your busy schedule. And if you’ve had the same writing resolutions popping up on your list again after again – why not make 2019 YOUR year to make them happen. Your future self will high

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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Lee Zachariah on his new book “Double Dissolution”

Lee Zachariah is a writer who has worked across film, television and journalism. He has written on politics and the arts for a range of publications and co-hosted the ABC2 film comedy series The Bazura Project. He has also written for The Chaser on The Hamster Wheel, The Checkout and

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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Talking ‘Practical Perfection’ with Kelly Exeter

Editor, graphic designer, freelance writer, blogger, productivity ponderer and self-confessed perfectionist Kelly Exeter is also an author – and her latest book has just been released. It’s called Practical Perfection and it’s all about “smart strategies for an excellent life”. We quizzed everyone in the office and we all wanted

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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Chris Ducker’s Virtual Freedom and free advice

Chris Ducker is a busy man. Many things on the go, and always looking to squeeze more out of them all. And he also has a lot to say. (When we interviewed him recently for our top-rating podcast, So you want to be a writer, he sent the run-time of

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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How Air Force Commodore John Oddie’s book took flight

You could say it was a painter who kick-started Air Commodore John Oddie’s journey to writing Flight Command: From the farm to the frontline. Specifically, Archibald Prize-winning portrait artist Ben Quilty, sent in 2011 as ‘official war artist’ (a legit profession since World War I) to paint the men and

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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

This book was worth going to prison for

James Phelps, you should be locked up. You’re a sports journalist and you’ve written a non-fiction book, Australia’s Hardest Prison: Inside Long Bay. Tell us about it. Ever wondered what it would be like to go to prison? Not an American movie style prison, but the one you would really

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Non-fiction and business books
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Why your book is a business card on steroids

Writing a book as a business tool is a growing trend that has been spurred on by two significant developments in book publishing. First is the rapid advances in the publishing industry that have made self-publishing more accessible for small businesses. The key changes include ebooks, retail sites such as

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