Category: Interviews with writers

Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Vikki Conley’s path to becoming a children’s author

Courses taken at AWC:
Writing Picture Books

Vikki Conley dreamed of writing for children and, over the years, that little voice telling her to write books got louder until she simply couldn’t ignore it. She threw in her marketing job, enrolled in an Australian Writers’ Centre course and started writing. Within two years, she has already established herself as a prolific author, with the publication of seven picture books and contracts with four publishers. Her most recent book is the CBCA shortlisted Amira’s Suitcase, while Milly and the Mulberry Tree and Where the Lyrebird Lives will be released in 2022. Vikki’s other publications include Tomorrow Girl, Little Puggle’s Song, The Lost Moustache and Ella & Mrs Gooseberry.

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Interviews with writers
Dean Koorey

AWC EXCLUSIVE: Interview with ‘Anonymous’

Anyone who has ever worked in a corporate office will know the awe-inspiring power that a framed black-and-white wall picture of a kitten saying “hang in there” can have. In fact, motivational and inspirational quotes can be found everywhere from greeting cards to coffee mugs, notebooks to T-shirts. “If you

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Petronella McGovern’s dream of becoming a fiction author comes true with her thrilling debut novel

Courses taken at AWC:
Crime and Thriller Writing
Write Your Novel
Anatomy of a Crime: How to Write About Murder
Make Time to Write / Creative Writing 30-day Bootcamp

Petronella McGovern came to the Australian Writers’ Centre hoping to prioritise her fiction writing. She had always wanted to publish a novel but was struggling to find the time and motivation to keep writing. Now, her debut novel Six Minutes has just been published by Allen & Unwin, and she spends her mornings writing fiction, working on her next novel.
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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Kaneana May: From TV scriptwriter to published author

Courses taken at AWC:
Popular Women’s Fiction
Build Your Author Platform
2 Hours to Scrivener Power
Self-publish Your Novel on Kindle

When Kaneana May, a stay-at-home mother living in regional NSW, took a trip to Sydney to do Popular Women’s Fiction with the Australian Writers’ Centre she came away inspired, motivated with new ideas and a new direction. Today she is a published author and her debut novel The One, published by Harlequin hit the bookshelves in July 2019.
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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

‘So you want to be a writer’ live event in June

Dreaming about ditching your day job so you can become a fully-fledged writer? Then come along and learn how at Vivid Ideas Exchange on Saturday 8 June 2019 from 11am-1pm at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia and be a part of the live event of  So You Want To

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Alumni news
Valerie Khoo

My top 10 interviews… out of one million downloads!

By Valerie Khoo Our podcast, So You Want to be a Writer, has now hit over one million downloads! When my co-host Allison Tait and I started out on this journey we never even considered this magic number. We were too busy loving the fact that we got to present

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 out of 10 – meet the Furious Fiction superfans!

Back in February 2018, the Australian Writers’ Centre introduced Furious Fiction – a brand new short story writing competition where your 500-word story could win $500AU cash every month – with no entry fee whatsoever! Needless to say, the competition (open to anyone 17 years and over, anywhere on the

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Our amazing Pamela’s ‘Amazing Australian Women’

Pamela Freeman, Director of Creative Writing Faculty at AWC has been busy and published another book this year, a children’s book, Amazing Australian Women (Hachette Australia). This bright and colourful book looks at 12 incredible Australian women who have helped shape our country, from politics and the arts, to Indigenous

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

From illustrator to author: Giuseppe Poli

Giuseppe Poli began his career in the picture book industry as an illustrator. However, with a keen interest in writing the words as well as creating the images, he’s now released his first book Young MacDonald as an author. Tell us what Young MacDonald is about If Old MacDonald has

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

#whereiwrite: Rural fiction author Fiona Palmer

Today we’re chatting with Aussie author Fiona Palmer – about what’s on her desk and what’s on her mind regarding her latest book, Secrets Between Friends. She’s written eight previous bestsellers, all set on a rugged rural backdrop, but for this one, she headed to the WA coast. So hello

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Crime and thriller
Australian Writers' Centre Team

#WhereIWrite: Crime author Emma Viskic

Yes, it’s that time again. Where we delve into the shelves, explore the doors and investigate the desk space of authors. Today it’s award-winning Australian crime writer Emma Viskic – winner of the 2016 Ned Kelly Award for her critically acclaimed debut novel, Resurrection Bay. That same book also won

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Kimberley Freeman discusses “Stars Across the Ocean”

Today it’s a quick chat with rural romance author and dual-timeline specialist Kimberley Freeman, on her latest book – Stars Across the Ocean. So Kimberley, we know that the main character’s name is Agnes, but perhaps you could tell our readers a smidge more about her and her story? “Agnes

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Charlotte Nash invites you to “The Paris Wedding”

Today we’re speaking with Brisbane-based bestselling Australian author Charlotte Nash about her new book, The Paris Wedding – hitting bookstores July 2017. Charlotte has up until now written “rural lit” – tales of life and love in remote Australia. So, naturally the idea of Paris seems about as far from

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Picture this: An interview with illustrator Giuseppe Poli

Giuseppe Poli is a leading illustrator in his field. His latest children’s book Baby Band (words by Diane Jackson Hill) was released this year. Giuseppe lives in Queensland and we had a chat with him about his insights into the world of illustrating… Hi Giuseppe. Hey, before we start –

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Eliza Henry Jones has an ‘Ache’

When Australian author Eliza Henry Jones hit the shelves in 2015 with her debut novel In the Quiet, it was anything but quiet – earning the then-25-year-old a clutch of awards, kudos and positive press. Now back for her ‘tricky follow-up album’ second book, Eliza is drawing on recent studies

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