Category: Travel writing

Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

8 ways to find your golden ticket for freelance writing

Whether you’re getting into writing for the first time or you’re a seasoned professional, freelance writing can provide great opportunities for growth and development as well as more control over your own workflow—along with an income, of course! Check out our top 8 blog posts for tips on how to

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Laura Waters’ trek into travel writing success

Courses taken at AWC:
Online Travel Writing
Freelance Writing Masterclass

Laura Waters walked over 3000 kilometres across New Zealand to conquer her anxieties and find her true passion: writing. After finishing the Australian Writers’ Centre Travel Writing course, Laura turned her hobby into a profession and now writes travel articles fulltime. She is also a published author with Bewildered, the incredible story of her extraordinary hike, out now with Affirm Press.

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Rob Grant: From nine-to-five corporate cubicle dweller to exotic adventures as a travel writer

Rob Grant loves travelling. But it can be hard to satisfy your wanderlust when you’re consumed by a nine-to-five corporate career. That’s exactly the position Rob was in until he discovered the Travel Writing course at the Australian Writers’ Centre. Now he’s swapped his corporate job for his new path in life – working part-time as a travel writer and part-time as a marketing consultant.

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What the life of a travel writer is really like (and how do you get it?)

Sipping cocktails, flying first class and jet-setting to the most exotic destinations in the world. Does that sound appealing? Well, if you’re a travel writer, this could be your reality. However, prolific travel and features writer Sue White says that it’s not all about five-star luxury and 1000-thread count sheets

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Successful travel writer Sue White’s top 3 travel writing tips

New to the world of travel writing? While it’s true that experienced travel writers get flown around the globe on someone else’s buck, you need to first gain a foothold in this competitive field. Sue White is a prolific features and travel writer. When she is not globe-trotting, she is

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The five biggest mistakes aspiring travel writers make

Relax! Everyone makes mistakes, especially when entering a new field. But wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need to make those mistakes quite so publicly? By following the advice of our travel writing presenter, Sue White, you just may be able to avoid the most common mistakes of many

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Freelance writing
Guest Writer

The #1 question all travel writers should ask

This post is by Sue White, intrepid travel writer and Australian Writers’ Centre Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 course presenter. WOOEE. You’re on the road. You’ve planned a great travel writing itinerary, maybe even sold a story or two, and you’re out there doing it. Nice

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Have you considered these freelance writing revenue streams?

Valerie Khoo and Allison Tait ran a masterclass at this year’s Storyology conference, run by The Walkley Foundation. Called “Turn Your Passion into Productivity and Profit”, they spoke to a packed room about finding new opportunities in the world of freelancing writing. “Many freelancers complain that editorial pages are shrinking,

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 reasons why editors don’t reply to your pitch.

As an editor and journalist, I’ve experienced life on both sides of the fence. When you’re a magazine editor, you are the one who holds all the power about which stories gets published. It’s your job to get the right combination of stories and stay within budget. However, when you’re

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Jocelyn Pride: Finding the perfect travel writing formula

Jocelyn Pride completed the Australian Writers’ Centre Travel Writing course in the summer holidays of 2011. She grew up in a home where storytelling was prominent. Her mother’s skill of taking people on a journey with her love of words filtered down a generation. With a background in education, evolving

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