Category: Freelance writing

Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

AWC graduate Megan Blandford: From human resources to successful writer

After becoming a first time mum, Megan Blandford, then 34, surprised herself. She didn’t feel compelled to return to her human resources role in the corporate world.

Her company wanted her to return to work full time. “I remember sitting in front of my computer one day and thinking: ‘what do I do?'” she says. “I always wanted to try writing since I was a little girl and I got caught up in this sort of sensible path of the mainstream thing people do. So I sat there and thought, right it’s now or never.”

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What the life of a travel writer is really like (and how do you get it?)

Sipping cocktails, flying first class and jet-setting to the most exotic destinations in the world. Does that sound appealing? Well, if you’re a travel writer, this could be your reality. However, prolific travel and features writer Sue White says that it’s not all about five-star luxury and 1000-thread count sheets

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write words that sell to make people buy

Copywriting: (n) The art of writing promotional material for websites, brochures, advertisements, emailers, proposals etc. I had the good fortune to have Apple as one of my advertising clients. They asked us to come up with a series of headlines for a 24-page brochure to get rid of a bunch of

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Successful travel writer Sue White’s top 3 travel writing tips

New to the world of travel writing? While it’s true that experienced travel writers get flown around the globe on someone else’s buck, you need to first gain a foothold in this competitive field. Sue White is a prolific features and travel writer. When she is not globe-trotting, she is

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The five biggest mistakes aspiring travel writers make

Relax! Everyone makes mistakes, especially when entering a new field. But wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need to make those mistakes quite so publicly? By following the advice of our travel writing presenter, Sue White, you just may be able to avoid the most common mistakes of many

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Changing careers and landing a coveted role in publishing

Courses taken at AWC:
Creative Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Stage 1
Grammar and Punctuation Essentials
History, Mystery and Magic

Deadlines. Celebrities. Breaking stories. And a growing audience of women who are clamouring for more digital content. That’s the world of Avi Vince, Managing Editor of iVillage Australia, which is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network. Both iVillage and its sister site Mamamia have carved a firm niche in the Australian publishing landscape, driven by magazine-turned-digital-publishing supremo, Mia Freedman.
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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Help! The publication I wrote for hasn’t paid me yet!

So you’ve jumped into the world of Magazine and Newspaper writing, aced your pitches, written great articles, submitted them before your deadlines and now… the wait. So… when do you get paid? Well, every publication will have its own internal accounts payable policy. Scenario 1: They are quick payers. Long may they

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The Vault: Magazine editor Kirsten Galliott

When InStyle editor Kirsten Galliott caught up with Allison Tait in 2014, she had plenty of advice for freelance writers submitting to editors. As well as that, they also discussed the state of the industry, her typical day and her experiences interviewing celebrities! Kirsten has more than 20 years’ publishing experience across

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How successful copywriting students make money from copywriting

You may have heard the expression: “Success leaves clues.” Well, what that means is: find someone who is successful at what you want to do, and copy them. It’s as simple as that. If you’re interested in becoming a highly paid copywriter, but don’t want to waste time and energy

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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Tax planning for writers in 2016

By Liz Russell  If you’re quick off the mark, you’ll have already filed your income tax return for 2015 and your bank balance is looking a little healthier. In a better world, this would mean you’re off the hook and don’t have to think about your tax affairs for the

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write headlines that work

Do you write words that sell? Or are you in a business where you need to get the attention of your target audience? Perhaps you’re writing brochures or advertisements. Well, you probably also know that advertising is expensive. So how do you make small space advertising work for you? The

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Have a late paying client? Get your copywriting invoices paid now.

As a freelance copywriter you get to do what you love: write. And it’s easy to ignore the other part of being a freelancer: getting paid (arguably as important as the ‘writing’ component!) You’d think the hard part is over, right? You found your client, worked closely with them and produced

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The importance of a good copywriting quote.

When you start out as a copywriter it seems pretty simple. Get some clients, write some ace copy – get paid! And seriously, who doesn’t want to write for a living? But sooner or later you’re going to come across the dreaded “quote creep”. This is where your definition of the work and

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Freelance writing
Guest Writer

Why freelancers need friends (and how to find some!)

This post is by Sue White, successful freelance writer and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter. It’s a freelancing paradox. On one hand, if you’re self employed, existing friends pop out of the woodwork at all hours of the (traditional) work day. “I’m having a day off, want to hang out?” or

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Content and copywriting
Guest Writer

Are you hopeless at working from home? Try these 5 solutions.

This post is by Sue White, successful freelance writer and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter. This last fortnight at least half a dozen friends – mostly of the journo and/or blogger variety – have complained to me about their absolute lack of ability to work effectively from home.  One friend started

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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What new freelance writers need to know about tax

By Liz Russell  Back in our parents’ day, working two jobs meant an around-the-clock commitment. These days, it’s become a lot easier to juggle multiple engagements. You can have a day job in the office to guarantee a regular flow of income, and do freelance writing jobs on the side.

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Freelance writing
Guest Writer

The #1 question all travel writers should ask

This post is by Sue White, intrepid travel writer and Australian Writers’ Centre Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 course presenter. WOOEE. You’re on the road. You’ve planned a great travel writing itinerary, maybe even sold a story or two, and you’re out there doing it. Nice

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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What does a ghostwriter do? Sally explains.

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a ghostwriter? How do you take someone else’s story and write it from their point of view. Sally Collings discusses what you need to do to become a successful ghostwriter. Our top-rating podcast So you want to be a writer features a regular ‘Writer in

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The last thing writer Allison Tait does each day…

Author and journalist Allison Tait talks about her passions for feature writing and fiction writing. Her novel The Mapmaker Chronicles: Race to the End of the World is making waves in the world of middle grade fiction. Our top-rating podcast So you want to be a writer features a regular

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