Category: Freelance writing

Crime and thriller
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Literary festival in Tasmania’s Huon Valley

What could be more sumptuous than spending a week in Tasmania’s Huon Valley as part of a literary festival? The Terror Australis Readers and Writers Festival is a new biennial literary festival.  This year’s event will be from 31 October to 5 November 2019 and held in the picturesque Huon

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

2019 Brisbane Writers Festival tickets now on sale

The Brisbane Writers Festival is on from 5-8 September 2019 and tickets are now on sale. The Brisbane Writers Festival have announced a massive lineup with over 160 internationally renowned writers, thinkers and more scheduled to speak and present at the event. The festival will have a special focus on

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

‘Why I write’ collection part 3

“If I waited till I felt like writing, I’d never write at all” – Anne Tyler Writing can bring you incredible joy – but it can sometimes feel like a chore. It depends on your mood, what’s gone on that day, and whether you got out on the right side

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

‘Why I write’ collection part 2

“The worst thing you write is better than the best thing you did not write” For so many of us, writing is a creative urge that simply must be brought to the surface. To live a life having never expressed yourself in this way, simply unthinkable. Your favourite authors –

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

‘Why I write’ collection part 1

“There is no greater tragedy than bearing an untold story inside you.” So goes the quote (attributed to Maya Angelou), summing up the curious compulsion that so many people on this planet have to WRITE. To tell a story – any kind of story – and continuing a verbal tradition

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

TELL US: What fuels your writing?

This week, we invite you to take part in a small writing task. What is it that drives you to write? Why do you do it? Writing can bring you incredible joy – but it can sometimes feel like a chore. It depends on your mood, what’s gone on that

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Walkley grants for freelance journalism now open

The Walkley Foundation is proud to announce $50,000 in grants for freelance journalism, from the Walkley Public Fund for Journalism. Applications are now open for Australian freelance journalists (as individuals or small groups) to request funding to support the production of public interest journalism, either a single story or a journalistic

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 online courses to make you a better writer

There’s nothing like the convenience of online learning to help you fit personal projects around your busy schedule. And if you’ve had the same writing resolutions popping up on your list again after again – why not make 2019 YOUR year to make them happen. Your future self will high

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Content and copywriting
Dean Koorey

How to pass GO as a real estate copywriter

Being a freelance copywriter is a lot like playing Monopoly. No, not the part where you keep landing in jail, missing out on free parking or paying too much rent. I’m talking about your next source of income being determined by the roll of a dice – by chance. To

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

National Young Writers’ Festival announces its 2018 artist lineup

The National Young Writers’ Festival has given us a sneak peek at their 2018 artist lineup and it’s exciting! Guests for the festival, which runs from 27-30 September 2018 in Newcastle, NSW, include: Alison Evans, author of Ida, (who we interviewed) Hella Ibrahim, Egyptian-Australian Muslim editor and founder of Djed

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Content and copywriting
Valerie Khoo

Content writing opportunities for freelance writers: Part 1

So you’ve heard about the wonderful world of content. And, as a freelance writer, you want in. You understand that the world of content marketing has exploded and you’d like to ride this wave. Before you launch into this space it’s important to understand where this explosion in content writing

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Content and copywriting
Valerie Khoo

Content writing opportunities for freelance writers: Part 2

In the first part of this series, I gave you an idea of the landscape for content writing for big businesses. In this post, we’re looking at opportunities for content writing for smaller businesses. This sector is booming as more small business owners understand the power of content. This is

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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Brad Kelly: From history teacher to full-time freelance writer

AWC courses completed:
Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Masterclass Program
Copywriting Essentials
Profile Writing
The Business of Freelancing
Writing Australian History

After a 15-year career as a history teacher, Brad Kelly was ready for his next challenge. With a keen interest in the world of writing, he completed a course at the Australian Writers’ Centre. “I had always been drawn to long form journalism and features, and I wanted to learn the nuts and bolts of the trade,” says Brad.
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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Joy Adan: Living her dream as a freelance writer

AWC courses completed:
Writing for the Web and Mobile
Freelance Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Masterclass Program
Profile Writing
Reinvent Yourself
Creative Writing Stage 1
Make Time to Write
Life Writing

Even though Joy Adan dreamt of becoming a writer, she initially didn’t have the confidence to pursue this passion. “I had a recurring voice in my head – that sounded a lot like my mother – that kept telling me that the only people who could call themselves writers were either really lucky or really poor. That I should do the responsible thing – and set aside my creative ambitions in search for a secure, well-paying job.”
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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Top 10 most popular online courses

One of the great perks of writing is that you can do it while wearing your pjs at home, or sipping your latte at a cafe, or during your daily commute. It’s such a portable skill! So it’s no surprise that learning online is such a popular choice for writers.

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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Our top 10 freelance writing posts of 2017

Take it from all of us – there is nothing more exciting than seeing your name in print for the first time. It leaves you wanting more, and more, and more! If you’re working as a freelancer, or have dreams of becoming one, you’ll find plenty of useful resources and

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write a media release

A media release – also known as a press release –  is the primary way for you to get your message into the hands of the media. It’s a format that journalists and editors are familiar with and, even if you pitch your idea to them over the phone or

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Freelance writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Meet David Leser, Australia’s finest profile writer

Since he started teaching with us at the Australian Writers’ Centre in 2015, David Leser has captivated groups with his excellent Profile Writing course. He is Australia’s finest profile writer and an award-winning feature writer, having worked for publications such as The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, HQ, The Bulletin, Good Weekend,

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Feature writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Is it always legal to snap?

Many people believe that photographing people without their knowledge or consent is an invasion of privacy and therefore against the law. However, you might be surprised to learn that leaving aside the moral issues that this might raise, in Australia it is (on the face of it) perfectly legal. This

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