Category: Content and copywriting

A woman wearing a yellow top and black headphones with a microphone in front of her, engaged in an interview.
Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The secrets of a great interview

By Allison Tait. Interviews are an essential part of life for freelance writers and content writers, but they’re often overlooked as part of the skill set you need to create a successful career in these fields. After all, isn’t an interview just about writing out a list of questions and

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Real Estate Copywriting
Content and copywriting
Dean Koorey

5 ways to get started as a real estate copywriter

The places we live have always been something to celebrate. And with all the extra time spent inside them in recent years, our relationship with them has become stronger than ever. Homes are not simply bricks, timber, glass and subway tiled splashbacks. They are offices, entertainment spaces, retreats, libraries, gyms,

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to break into freelance writing Part 2

Here are five more tips on becoming a freelance writer from our successful course graduates. If you haven’t already, go back and read part 1 of our freelance writing tips.  1. Networks are important Freelance writer Jo Hartley says it’s a tough gig, but if you put in hard work

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to break into freelance writing: Part 1

Graduates of the Australian Writers’ Centre’s freelance writing courses have gone on to have successful careers doing all kinds of writing, from news to magazine features to corporate work. Read on for five tips on breaking into freelance writing. 1. It doesn’t have to be a competition Brad Kelly, who

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

8 signs you’d be a great freelance and content writer

Freelance writing is a career with lots of upsides – flexibility, autonomy, the chance to be creative, and opportunities to do something new regularly – but it can’t be done by just anyone. If you’re considering branching out into freelance writing but you’re not sure whether you should, here are

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What does a UX/UI writer do in a day? Expert Carli Ratcliff tells us

UX and UI writing – which stands for ‘user experience’ and ‘user interface’, respectively – will be something you experience every day, though probably without even knowing it. At its best, it’s seamless.  UX/UI writer Carli Ratcliff, who presents the Australian Writers’ Centre’s UX Writing course, says no two days

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Expert Carli Ratcliff’s 5 must-dos for would-be UX/UI writers

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) writing is a rapidly growing market, as businesses pivot to online and chase the attention of customers with a million options at their fingertips. To do this, communications experts must make every word count. Carli Ratcliff runs the Australian Writers’ Centre’s UX/UI Copywriting

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Break into UX writing: Andrew Bliss reveals how he did it

For freelance writer Andrew Bliss, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) writing has become a major – and fascinating – segment of his work.   As a UX/UI writer, he’s done everything from rewriting navigational content for SBS’s On-Demand platforms to working on the Qantas Wellbeing sleep app.  Opportunity knocks

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

8 ways to find your golden ticket for freelance writing

Whether you’re getting into writing for the first time or you’re a seasoned professional, freelance writing can provide great opportunities for growth and development as well as more control over your own workflow—along with an income, of course! Check out our top 8 blog posts for tips on how to

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 online courses to make you a better writer

There’s nothing like the convenience of online learning to help you fit personal projects around your busy schedule. And if you’ve had the same writing resolutions popping up on your list again after again – why not make 2019 YOUR year to make them happen. Your future self will high

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Content and copywriting
Dean Koorey

How to pass GO as a real estate copywriter

Being a freelance copywriter is a lot like playing Monopoly. No, not the part where you keep landing in jail, missing out on free parking or paying too much rent. I’m talking about your next source of income being determined by the roll of a dice – by chance. To

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Content and copywriting
Valerie Khoo

Content writing opportunities for freelance writers: Part 1

So you’ve heard about the wonderful world of content. And, as a freelance writer, you want in. You understand that the world of content marketing has exploded and you’d like to ride this wave. Before you launch into this space it’s important to understand where this explosion in content writing

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Content and copywriting
Valerie Khoo

Content writing opportunities for freelance writers: Part 2

In the first part of this series, I gave you an idea of the landscape for content writing for big businesses. In this post, we’re looking at opportunities for content writing for smaller businesses. This sector is booming as more small business owners understand the power of content. This is

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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Brad Kelly: From history teacher to full-time freelance writer

AWC courses completed:
Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Masterclass Program
Copywriting Essentials
Profile Writing
The Business of Freelancing
Writing Australian History

After a 15-year career as a history teacher, Brad Kelly was ready for his next challenge. With a keen interest in the world of writing, he completed a course at the Australian Writers’ Centre. “I had always been drawn to long form journalism and features, and I wanted to learn the nuts and bolts of the trade,” says Brad.
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Content and copywriting
Valerie Khoo

Organising your research for content and feature writing

By Valerie Khoo Would you like to save time and streamline your writing workflow? Do you want to ensure that your research is organised perfectly and easy to access/find? As a freelance feature and content writer, I often have to do a lot of research, conduct interviews, analyse reports and

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Content and copywriting
Guest Writer

7 effective time management tips for freelance copywriters

You can’t beat the freedom and flexibility that come with being a freelance writer – but that doesn’t mean that freelance writing is an easy job. Some people, particularly those who wouldn’t generally be considered self-starters, often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to handle. It’s possible

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The Vault: Bernadette Schwerdt talks copywriting

Do you have an invention or piece of intellectual property that you’d like protected? Then it’s a guarantee that you DON’T need a copywriter. (Instead, you’d want someone who specialises in copyright.) A copywriter is someone who writes words that sell – and one of the most knowledgable copywriters in

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The 27 habits of highly successful copywriters

If you want to make it as an uber-successful copywriter, here are 27 habits you should nurture … Put yourself in the shoes of the person you want to buy the product. Why should he or she want to buy it? What are their interests, their worries? Tap into them. Be

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Content and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write words that sell to make people buy

Copywriting: (n) The art of writing promotional material for websites, brochures, advertisements, emailers, proposals etc. I had the good fortune to have Apple as one of my advertising clients. They asked us to come up with a series of headlines for a 24-page brochure to get rid of a bunch of

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