Category: Fiction writing

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 must-read articles to level up your fiction writing

So you’re creative, inspired and want to write fiction? Great! For all writers, from first-timers to those with multiple novels under their belt already, the process can present some surprising challenges. Perhaps you’re struggling to get the first sentence onto the page, or maybe you’re part-way through and worried you’re

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Clare Bowditch’s top 3 tips for first-time authors

Clare Bowditch’s ABIA award-winning memoir, Your Own Kind of Girl, goes deep into love, loss and grief. For her first book, Clare drew from her experience as a musician to get through the process of endless re-drafting, as well as using the names of her songs as chapter titles. Clare

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Crime and thriller
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 top tips for thriller writing from author L.A. Larkin

British-Australian crime and thriller writer L.A. Larkin – who teaches the Australian Writers’ Centre’s popular Crime and Thriller Writing course is our go-to woman for crafting suspenseful, exciting literature.  Larkin’s latest thriller novel Prey was released in April 2020, published by Clan Destine Press in Australia and Bloodhound Books in

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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Victoria Mackinlay achieves her childhood dream to become a published author

Courses taken at AWC: 
Writing Picture Books
Creative Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Stage 1

When she was a child, Victoria Mackinlay assumed she would grow up to be an author. And now, with the release of her picture book Ribbit Rabbit Robot and more on the way, Victoria’s dream has come true. To top it off, Victoria has won the State Library of NSW Award for Emerging Children’s Author.
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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

AWC’s favourite TV shows

We’ve taken to having Friday afternoon trivia quizzes here at AWC HQ, through the amazing power of Zoom and Google Docs – and of course a virtual cheers or two. One of last week’s topics was ‘television’ and it’s amazing how diverse our range of knowledge is (Nat = 3/10,

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Crime and thriller
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Watch Tara Moss and Valerie Khoo in ‘Creative Conversations’

Tara Moss – author, journalist, documentary-maker and human rights activist – joined Australian Writers’ Centre CEO, Valerie Khoo, in the ‘Creative Conversations’ Facebook Live event. Tara explains her latest paranormal fiction novel The Cobra Queen, the fourth book in the Pandora English series following The Skeleton Key. Amidst paranormal fiction,

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Fiction writing

Why fiction is needed more than ever right now

 This is a guest post by Leah Swann You open a novel, you open a door. I learned this from my first chapter book – Enid Blyton’s The Naughtiest Girl in the School. Although shocked by the ‘spoiled’ Elizabeth Allen, deliberately behaving badly enough to be expelled from the school

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Why fiction is needed more than ever right now

 This is a guest post by Leah Swann You open a novel, you open a door. I learned this from my first chapter book – Blyton’s The Naughtiest Girl in the School. Although shocked by the ‘spoiled’ Elizabeth Allen, deliberately behaving badly enough to be expelled from the school she’s

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Why writing fiction and journalling can be helpful

A guest post by Vanessa McCausland I have a theory that a big part of what makes someone a writer is what writing does for us. It’s an outlet. It’s a balm. For me, writing has always been a place where I can let all my emotions out. I’ve had

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Andrew Daddo on writing funny books for kids

A guest post by children’s book author Andrew Daddo This was meant to be a blog post along the lines of ‘5 reasons funny books are great for kids’. I think we all know the main reason, and that’s to make kids laugh. There’s a healthy by-product, another compelling reason

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Q&A with Sue Whiting

Sue Whiting is one of the most prolific and best-loved Australian writers for children and young adults. She’s also one of our popular presenters at the Australian Writers’ Centre. Sue’s 2018 novel for kids, Missing, was a smash hit and she has followed it up with her latest novel, The

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Crime and thriller
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Creative Conversations Live with Candice Fox and Tara Moss

We’ve been providing amazing online resources and courses for writers on our website for many years now. Each week, we produce our popular podcast So you want to be a writer, our weekly newsletter is packed full of inspiration and information, our grammar Q&As answer all your niggly questions, and

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Yes, you CAN still enjoy storytime with your older kids

Reading aloud with your kids is one of life’s most precious moments. It’s a special time to connect with your children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighbours. There’s nothing like sitting down together to share storytime. If it’s been a while since you last had the chance to read with

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