Category: Fiction writing

Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What to do when you don’t have a book coming out

By Angela Slatter. To paraphrase Jane Austen (poorly), it is a truth universally acknowledged, that once you’ve got a publishing contract, you’ll have a book coming out every year! Right? Sorry, no. Wrong. You might be one of the fortunate few who do have this sort of regularity in their

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write a book dedication

By Allison Tait. One of the most difficult pages to write in any book is the dedication. Sounds silly, right? By definition, a book dedication is a personal note from the author to someone of importance. At its simplest, a book dedication is no more than two words. For [insert

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Woman looking worried about dealing with rejection.
Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Dealing with rejection: 5 tips for writers

By Allison Tait. Rejection is part of every writer’s life. Published or unpublished, beginner or established, every writer experiences the crushing emotion that accompanies a “sorry, not for us” or a “thanks, but no thanks”. The difference between writers who go on to have successful careers and those who don’t

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Picture book author Millie Lewis with baby
Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Millie Lewis finds success with her picture book ‘Mr Price’s Pet Emporium’

Courses taken at AWC:
Writing Picture Books
Writing Chapter Books for 6-9 year olds
Laugh Out Loud

Millie Lewis had an unexpected birthday treat when she received an ‘I’m interested’ email from publisher James Layton at Larrikin Books. While on maternity leave from her job as a paediatric psychologist, Millie had turned to writing to reclaim her pre-mummy identity, enrolling in courses at the Australian Writers’ Centre. And just a short time later, she had a positive response to her manuscript for Mr Price’s Pet Emporium.

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Interviews with writers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 surprising writing tips from top Aussie authors

We know what you’re thinking. Ask a writer for writing tips and chances are they’ll say “read more” and “write more”. There’s a good reason for that. Reading widely and getting the words written are two cornerstones of every successful author’s career. But every week on the So You Want To

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

5 ​​tips on how to start your novel

By Angela Slatter So, you’ve got an idea that won’t leave you alone – not the one about how winning Lotto would make your life so much easier, no, the other one. That story with those characters and that immersive setting, with all the action and the witty dialogue. The

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

10 tips on how to write fantasy novels

By Angela Slatter. Fantasy novels seem to be everywhere at the moment! As a fantasy author, I’m not complaining. We’re also seeing a knock-on effect in the number of screen adaptations: Game of Thrones, Shadow and Bone, Good Omens, and of course The Lord of the Rings. I’m not here

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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Rebecca Marshallsay on ‘Facing the Wave’ and becoming a published children’s author

Courses taken at AWC: 
Writing Picture Books
Reinvent Yourself

Having completed a picture book manuscript, Rebecca turned to the Australian Writers’ Centre.

“I knew it was worth taking the time to workshop it a bit and, serendipitously, an AWC Writing Picture Books course was starting the following week. I took the leap and signed up straight away,” Rebecca says.

That manuscript became Facing the Wave and it has now been published by Larrikin House.

“I was very excited to be published from my first pitch and I know that the things I learned through the AWC helped me be as prepared as possible.”

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Congratulations to the AWC alumni shortlisted for the CBCA 2022 Book of the Year

Congratulations to all the wonderful authors, illustrators and publishers who have made it onto the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s (CBCA) shortlisted books for 2022. We’re particularly chuffed for the talented graduates from our Writing Picture Books course – children’s authors Vikki Conley, Sandhya Parappukkaran and author/illustrator Freda Chiu –

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Jeanette Stampone, author of picture book Shadow and the Girl
AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Jeanette Stampone becomes a published author with debut picture book, ‘Shadow and the Girl’

Courses taken at AWC: 
Writing Picture Books
Presenting to Kids

When Janette Stampone came across AWC’s Writing Picture Books course, she was intrigued. She was on maternity leave and felt like the right time to take her writing seriously.

“Enrolling on the course meant I had actually invested in myself and my dream,” Jeanette says. “While I was taking the course, I felt a strong sense of ‘this is what I should be doing’.”

Jeanette’s decision to invest in herself paid off and she can now call herself a published author. Her debut picture book Shadow and the Girl has been released by Red Paper Kite with illustrations by Demelsa Haughton.

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5 tips for writing romance
Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 essential tips for writing a successful romance novel

It’s no exaggeration to say that author Nicola Marsh is a doyenne of romance writing. In fact, she’s published more than 75 books, including rural romance for Harper Collins Australia, domestic suspense for Hachette UK’s Bookouture and Grand Central Publishing USA, and contemporary romance for Penguin Random House’s Berkley imprint

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Learn from anywhere with AWC online courses
Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

9 online courses to do this summer

Ah the allure of summer. Where you can sit outside getting sunburnt, frantically waving flies from your face, while sweat falls from your skin in salty cascades… On second thought, why not stay inside in the aircon and learn a new skill instead? For those of you who would much

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Your Shelfies

Recently in our newsletter, we were celebrating the wonderful ways in which we surround ourselves with books in our own homes. From vast walls of bookshelves to small piles next to the bed, it’s always a good sign of a thriving, thinking home! And hey, we were CURIOUS – so

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What is ‘Regency romance’ and how can I write it?

If you’ve been swept up in the spectacle of Netflix’s Bridgerton, you’re not alone. More than 63 million households have tuned in to the pomp and romance, and many people who’d never heard of a ‘Regency romance’ before are now addicted. So what exactly is a Regency romance? And how

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The importance of ghostwriter agreements

This article was written by Sharon Givoni. We’ve all been there. At a party, at a dinner table, out for coffee with the gang—you are telling a story. You’ve told this story so many times and it’s a winner. You embellish here, cut out a few boring bits there, and

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

Here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we’re in the privileged position to chat regularly with successful authors, talented freelancers, world-class presenters and our amazing students. And although everyone approaches writing differently, it’s clear that there are common truths that can be helpful for all. Most importantly, if you want to

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

6 reasons self-publishing should be your Plan A

By author, Nat Newman Following the traditional route to publication can be hard work. Not only do you need to write a fantastic book, but you also need to resonate with an agent or publisher at just the right moment. For some people, self-publishing is a Plan B – the

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