Category: Build your profile and promote your book

Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 Aussie Authors share their views on the ‘author platform’

This is a post by Allison Tait, who is a presenter at the Australian Writers’ Centre and author of the successful series The Mapmaker Chronicles. One of the things I love most about So you want to be a writer, my podcast with Valerie Khoo, is the opportunity to speak

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 tips on how to promote a book

This is a post by Allison Tait, who is a presenter at the Australian Writers’ Centre and author of the successful series The Mapmaker Chronicles. Today we are again delving into the now-deep archives of the So you want to be a writer podcast for some gems of wisdom on

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Build your profile and promote your book
Valerie Khoo

Don’t have a high profile? Well, do something about it.

This post is by Valerie Khoo, National Director of the Australian Writers’ Centre I’m a little bit cranky. Why? Well, I was talking to an author the other day and she was bemoaning the fact that her books aren’t selling to her expectations. I tried to explain to her that

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The delicate art of self-promotion

So, you want to be a writer. Or maybe you already are. Presumably, you hope to make a living from your writing. But have you considered how you’re actually going to get found for work? Being a writer is different to a lot of other industries. Clients are going to

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Author Favel Parrett on publicity and productivity

In episode 35 of our top-rating So you want to be a writer podcast, Australian author Favel Parrett spoke with Allison Tait about many things. Here are two: On publicity: “I’d love to be like Cormac McCarthy and never do anything, no public speaking, and just hide away and write

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Do authors need to be on social media?

The idea of the ‘online author platform’ is an interesting one. On one hand, as an author you should focus your energy on writing your book (or next book) and making it the best it can be. And yet if you neglect the opportunity to connect with your readers (and

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The worst thing a writer can do on social media…

Having trouble harnessing your hashtags, keeping your pins sharp or posting things that people will read? Social media seems to be both a blessing and curse for writers – offering a chance to tell more of your story, and yet piling on a bunch of bells, whistles and EXTRA TIME

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ask Valerie: 4 things authors can do to promote their book

Question: I’ve written a book, but how do I get more people to read it? Answer: First, congratulations on writing a book! Some would say that the difficult part is over, but if you want to share your creation with as many readers as possible, the work has just begun.

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Traditionally published, then self-published – this author compares the two

Earlier this year, in episode 4 of our top-rating podcast, So you want to be a writer, we spoke with internationally published author Allison Rushby.

Now, many writers begin self-publishing and end up with a traditional publishing book deal. However, Allison has done it the other way round – choosing after 14 years as an author to self-publish for the first time this year when the rights to four of her earlier books reverted to her. Then, on a roll, she chose to self-publish her new young adult novel, Being Hartley, at the same time.

Allison provided some valuable insights into the relative strengths of both of these two publishing methods, and writing in general – which we have summarised here.

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Build your profile and promote your book
Dean Koorey

Booktopia’s John Purcell shares 3 ways to sell more books

The rise of online shopping has revolutionised the way that we buy books. From a bookseller’s point of view, the playing field has been significantly levelled – with every book just a search and a click away. And from an author’s point of view, this makes marketing your book more important than ever.

One man who knows all about this is John Purcell, chief book buyer and head of marketing at Booktopia – Australia’s fastest-growing online bookstore. Not only does he decide which books to stock, but he’s also been a published author himself, seeing first-hand the effect good marketing can have on sales.

Clearly if you self-publish, by definition you do the sales legwork yourself. But when it comes to being traditionally published, don’t assume someone else will do it all. Finding success with a publishing house is definitely impressive (congratulations!), but this is no time to put your feet up and wait for the cheques to start flying through the door. Back in episode 5 of our top-rating podcast So you want to be a writer, we chatted with John Purcell and here are his 3 top tips for ensuring your book meets its marketing potential.

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Build your profile and promote your book
Valerie Khoo

How to find time to write: advice from the experts

As a writer (or wannabe writer) you’re often juggling many other priorities and it’s easy for writing to become the last item on your to-do list. So how do you find the time to write?

The short answer is: you make time. There is no way to wave a magic wand and hope that more than 24 hours will somehow appear in your day. If you want time to write, you are the only person who can make this happen.

Too many writers think: “I’ll write that when I have more time” or “I’ll wait till I retire or the kids grow up”. The reality is that’s an excuse. If you really want to succeed as a writer then you need to … write! And the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll succeed. Because guess what? It takes time to…

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Making a name for yourself: author trade marks

This is a guest post by Barry Newman of Armour IP – Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys. Barry wrote to us in response to a discussion about trade marks recently on our podcast.

Just a quick glance at the relative size of a bestselling author’s name compared with the title on a book cover will tell you that our names can be valuable commodities. But can an author register a trade mark for themselves? What about their book title? And what protection do they actually provide?

When it comes to creative endeavours such as writing, the rules surrounding Intellectual Property (IP) rights aren’t always black and white. To provide a little more clarity, we threw some quick questions across to Barry Newman, principal at Armour IP – patent and trade mark attorneys. They assist their clients in dealings with IP Australia and other government and international bodies.

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Anatomy of a book trailer

Australian author Tristan Bancks has long been a fan of the book trailer. Like movie trailers – which tease audiences with scenes from the movie, giving them a taste of what’s to come and leaving them wanting for more – book trailers are meant to intrigue and entice potential readers to buy the book.

However, they are still in their infancy, with some book trailers hitting the mark, and others barely resembling a mish-mash of images set against some really bad music.

Along with the release of his new book Two Wolves, Tristan has released his latest book trailer. You can view it here.

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