Category: AWC alumni

Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ali Berg knew she wanted to be an author from the age of three!

AWC courses completed:
Creative Writing Stage 1

When Ali (on the right above) gave up her job in advertising at the age of 24 to travel the world, little did she realise it would culminate in an innovative career built around books and a two-book deal with Simon and Schuster Australia and The Book Ninja (Ali Berg & Michelle Kalus, 2018) in bookstores around the world. Ali and Michelle’s second novel, While You Were Reading followed in 2019, and their latest book Fancy Meeting You Here launched with rave reviews.

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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Astrid Scholte: Now an award-winning author of young adult fiction

Courses taken at AWC:
Creative Writing Stage 1
Novel Writing Essentials
History, Mystery and Magic
Blogging for Beginners

Astrid Scholte had always hoped to be published. In fact, she had the lofty goal of being published before she was 18. “I was a little ambitious! While it took me a lot longer I’m so happy to have achieved this dream of mine. I cannot wait to hold my book Four Dead Queens in my hands early next year, I’m sure there will be plenty of tears!” says Astrid.
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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Announcing the 2018 Australian Book Industry Awards Longlist

A HUGE congratulations to everyone on the ABIA 2018 longlist – especially our alumni Sarah Bailey for The Dark Lake and Tania Blanchard for The Girl from Munich. Great to see our graduates kicking so many goals. Bravo! Also to these fantastic authors who have all featured in the Australian

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

AWC alumna Penelope Janu has won the 2017 XO Romance Prize

AWC alumna Penelope Janu has won the 2017 XO Romance Prize for her unpublished manuscript, On the Same Page. Described by guest judge Alexandra Nahlous as “A wonderful, captivating story about a writer desperate to keep her identity hidden, and the man determined to expose her”, Penelope receives a $5000

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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Brad Kelly: From history teacher to full-time freelance writer

AWC courses completed:
Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Masterclass Program
Copywriting Essentials
Profile Writing
The Business of Freelancing
Writing Australian History

After a 15-year career as a history teacher, Brad Kelly was ready for his next challenge. With a keen interest in the world of writing, he completed a course at the Australian Writers’ Centre. “I had always been drawn to long form journalism and features, and I wanted to learn the nuts and bolts of the trade,” says Brad.
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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Joy Adan: Living her dream as a freelance writer

AWC courses completed:
Writing for the Web and Mobile
Freelance Writing Stage 1
Freelance Writing Masterclass Program
Profile Writing
Reinvent Yourself
Creative Writing Stage 1
Make Time to Write
Life Writing

Even though Joy Adan dreamt of becoming a writer, she initially didn’t have the confidence to pursue this passion. “I had a recurring voice in my head – that sounded a lot like my mother – that kept telling me that the only people who could call themselves writers were either really lucky or really poor. That I should do the responsible thing – and set aside my creative ambitions in search for a secure, well-paying job.”
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AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How Jennifer Johnston gained the confidence to become a freelance writer

AWC courses completed:
Travel Writing
Profile Writing
Copywriting Essentials
Freelance Writing Masterclass Program (current member)

Jennifer Johnston is living proof that you never stop learning – in fact, she has built a career on it. Having completed a postgraduate certificate in creative industries, she realised that while she had a lot of theory, there were many gaps with regard to practical skills. On the long-time recommendation of a friend, she chose a short online course in Travel Writing at the Australian Writers Centre – and wished she had taken her advice sooner!
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Shankari Chandran The Barrier Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens
AWC alumni
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Shankari Chandran: From lawyer to published author

When Shankari Chandran took time out of her career as a lawyer to have her fourth child, she turned her hand to writing in between baby feeds and family demands. This pastime has turned into a new career and Shankari has now released her first novel The Barrier, a futuristic fast-paced thriller that has been compared to the works of Michael Crichton and Matthew Reilly.

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Alumni news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

“I got published!”: “Delicious”, “Wellbeing” and more!

The sky is the limit when you’re a freelance writer and our AWC grads are definitely soaring high! We are back with another set of their fabulous pieces spread throughout various publications. Check out the results of their hard work and dedication: Above: Laura McGeoch featured in HRMonthly with her

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