AWC presenter Patti Miller’s book launch: ‘The Joy of High Places’

Above: CEO of AWC Valerie Khoo with AWC presenter Patti Miller at the book launch.

AWC presenter and Australia’s most renown teacher of memoir and life writing Patti Miller has released her latest memoir The Joy of High Places.

Launched by Mark Tredinnick at Better Read Than Dead bookshop in Newtown, Sydney, the audience was packed with fans, students and notable members of the literary community.
Above: Mark Tredinnick launches Patti Miller’s memoir The Joy of High Places.

Publishers New South describe it here:
A soaring memoir of longing, resilience and delight in the natural world. In this extraordinary and unexpected book, Patti tells the story of her own long-distance walking over hundreds of kilometres in Europe and of her brother’s obsession with paragliding.

As adults, a tragic accident changes their relationship. One day, Barney’s wing collapses and he plummets to earth, breaking his spine. The story of his struggle to walk again intersects Patti’s long-distance journeys, creating an intense narrative of determination and triumph.

For Patti, walking is a radical act – a return to what has made us all human — that bestows a connection to wild nature and to creativity it self. But as she listens to her pragmatic and methodical brother tell his story, she learns that flying is his door to untrammelled joy too. She realises that she is ‘meeting’ him for the very first time.

This beautiful and inspiring book tells their story and reveals that the siblings share a willingness to take risks and an indefatigable determination. With rare insight and poetic writing, The Joy of High Places combines physical adventure with a powerful emotional journey.


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