Author: Guest Writer

Feature writing
Guest Writer

Writing feature articles: A question of good questions

I was talking to an editor friend of mine today who was gnashing her teeth over a story that had been submitted to her. It was a Q&A piece and it just wasn’t working. “The answers are just not quite right,” she said to me. “No,” I said to her.

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

How to avoid a saggy middle

Saggy Middle Syndrome. We all know what it is. A novel that starts brilliantly well – vivid, intriguing and compelling – yet somehow, around the middle of the book, you find yourself beginning to yawn. You check the pages to see how many are left before the end of the

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Update: The Hungry Australian visits Turkey!

Christina Soong from The Hungry Australian was the winner of our 2014 Best Australian Blogs competition and a trip to Turkey (thanks to Trafalgar!)  Today Christina is sharing her top five moments from her trip. Woman in door (Visiting Demircidere) One of the highlights of my Turkey trip was visiting

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