Author: Guest Writer

Fiction writing
Guest Writer

11 famous books that began as dreams

It can be hard to stop reading a good story. Chapter after chapter, there’s always something to keep you turning pages. With the very best books, you may find yourself wondering: how do they come up with these great ideas? Well for many it means careful planning and outlining followed

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

8 books on writing recommended by successful writers

There are loads of books out there about writing and it can be hard to find one that really connects with you. They can offer advice or exercises, rules or suggestions, or just provide inspiration. We’ve brought together recommendations from some top authors, writers and publishers on what they believe

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Writing news
Guest Writer

9 essential tips to supercharge your fiction writing

We often talk about people being on a ‘writing journey’. Even the most established, prolific and famous writers are still honing their craft, learning new skills, trying new things, and progressing along their writing path. Basically, it’s never over! So wherever you are on your writing journey, here are nine

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Competitions and Opportunities
Guest Writer

12 Australian literary festivals for your 2019 diary

It’s the time of the year where you look at that ambitious list of resolutions from January and wonder – where on earth have the days gone? Why haven’t I achieved anything? The good news is, there are still plenty of opportunities to get started on your writing and improve

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Guest Writer

How do I even listen to a podcast, anyway?

You’ve probably heard all about podcasts, and maybe everyone you know is listening to them. A friend has told you that you should totally listen to This American Life with Ira Glass. Or a colleague says you absolutely have to listen the true crime podcast phenomenon Serial.  Or your writer

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Content and copywriting
Guest Writer

7 effective time management tips for freelance copywriters

You can’t beat the freedom and flexibility that come with being a freelance writer – but that doesn’t mean that freelance writing is an easy job. Some people, particularly those who wouldn’t generally be considered self-starters, often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to handle. It’s possible

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Content and copywriting
Guest Writer

Are you hopeless at working from home? Try these 5 solutions.

This post is by Sue White, successful freelance writer and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter. This last fortnight at least half a dozen friends – mostly of the journo and/or blogger variety – have complained to me about their absolute lack of ability to work effectively from home.  One friend started

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Freelance writing
Guest Writer

Why freelancers need friends (and how to find some!)

This post is by Sue White, successful freelance writer and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter. It’s a freelancing paradox. On one hand, if you’re self employed, existing friends pop out of the woodwork at all hours of the (traditional) work day. “I’m having a day off, want to hang out?” or

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Black, Red, Blue and Yellow

This post is by Pamela Freeman, author of more than 30 books and director of the creative writing faculty at the Australian Writers’ Centre. After a recent class where I discussed my ‘four-colour printing process’ approach to writing scenes, one of my students asked me to do a blog post

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Freelance writing
Guest Writer

The #1 question all travel writers should ask

This post is by Sue White, intrepid travel writer and Australian Writers’ Centre Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 course presenter. WOOEE. You’re on the road. You’ve planned a great travel writing itinerary, maybe even sold a story or two, and you’re out there doing it. Nice

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

How ballet books changed my life

This post is by Pamela Freeman, author of more than 30 books and director of the creative writing faculty at the Australian Writers’ Centre. I’ve been thinking a lot lately, for family reasons, about how and why someone makes the decision to follow a creative life, rather than one more

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Freelance writing
Guest Writer

Three ways to beat procrastination for writers

I could procrastinate for Australia. I could. If it were an Olympic sport, I’d be the Torah Bright of Procrastination – only without the fantastic teeth … and I’d probably find a reason to put off the dancing… Having said that, I am also a surprisingly productive person. I know.

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Creating secondary worlds

One of the great pleasures of writing a fantasy novel is creating the secondary world in which your story will inhabit. In the contemporary fiction genre, the writer knows the religious, political, historical, and cultural background of the society already A fantasy writer must construct the society from the very

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

Six reasons you should start writing your novel now

When you are a writer, you meet a lot of people who want to be writing. The guy in my local cafe has a fantasy novel that he’s been researching for about seven years. A friend of mine has been working on a novel for 20 years. The beautiful girl

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

There are only 6 things you need to write a book

It’s tempting to think that to write a book you need a shiny new laptop, or to indulge your love of stationery by buying a brand new notebook or pen, or a book about the craft of writing that will reveal all of the secrets of being a writer. But

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Fiction writing
Guest Writer

How to build a story out of scraps of ideas

Writing is an art, which means it is mysterious. It rises from the deep bog of our subconscious and is guided by impulse and intuition and imagination. However, writing is also a craft. A writer must learn how to shape and control the artistic impulse, to bring logic and structure

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