8 ways to find your golden ticket for freelance writing

Whether you’re getting into writing for the first time or you’re a seasoned professional, freelance writing can provide great opportunities for growth and development as well as more control over your own workflow—along with an income, of course! Check out our top 8 blog posts for tips on how to make freelancing work for you. 

  1. One benefit of freelancing is the diversity of experience you can get — if you seek out the right opportunities, your portfolio can show the breadth of your writing skills. In this post on freelance writing revenue streams, Australian Writers’ Centre National Director Valerie Khoo and multi-genre writer Allison Tait run through the variety of options out there for freelance writers.
  2. A well-written, engaging headline is the bait to get a reader’s attention, no matter what kind of writing you’re doing. It’s vital that you think about how to make your story most attractive in just a few words. Read on for tips from copywriting expert Bernadette Schwerdt on how to write headlines that work.
  3. And if you enjoyed Bernadette’s headline advice, you’ll love her tips on copywriting success – where to begin, what to charge and how to flourish.
  4. For more on the business of copywriting, check out our run-through of the importance of a good copywriting quote for clear steps to success. 
  5. Exploring new cultures and getting paid for the pleasure – travel writing sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Despite the glamour, hard work goes into this job, and it’s not necessarily an easy field to get into. Take a look at what the life of a travel writer is really like here.
  6. As a freelance writer, you want to make sure you’re delivering clean, correct copy every time; even if the bones of your work are fantastic, some off-kilter grammar will take the shine off. If apostrophes leave you at a loss, our exclusive interview will put you back on the right track.
  7. Of course, freelance writing isn’t without its challenges, and one common pitfall is being paid late. If you’re missing a payment for an article you’ve had published and you’re not sure how to chase it up, try our tips on chasing up freelance payments – and we’ve got another post specifically for copywriters chasing payment.
  8. If you find yourself easily distracted by your phone, try using that little computer to your advantage. We’ve got the rundown of 9 smart apps to make you a smarter writer which will have you tapping away in no time. 


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