Day: July 4, 2022

AWC weekly giveaways
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED: WIN ‘The Family Remains’ by Lisa Jewell

Their secrets can’t stay buried forever… This week’s giveaway book comes from British-based Lisa Jewell – the number one bestselling author of thrillers The Family Upstairs and Then She Was Gone. Her latest book is The Family Remains. Here’s a quick synopsis: LONDON. Early morning, June 2019 – on the

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to edit your own writing: 7 authors share their top tips

By Allison Tait. “Write as though no-one’s watching.” “Your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect.” “Your first draft is just you telling the story to yourself.” There’s a lot of information around about first drafts and how they can be messy embryos of a polished idea. What’s more difficult

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