Day: October 12, 2015

Writing news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Roald Dahl wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

The much-loved children’s author Roald Dahl sent us this birthday message from the Giant Peach of the Afterlife. He wanted to wish the Australian Writers’ Centre happy 10th birthday! Here’s what he said. “You have taught us that publishers are merely Big Friendly Gatekeepers and that we can all create marvellous medicines to

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Writing news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

#AWCTurns10: 10 years ago, we were…

2015 marks the Australian Writers’ Centre’s 10th birthday, and it got us thinking… what were we all doing 10 years go? We turned back the clock to share these stories with you. Finish this sentence: 10 years ago, I was… …helping Valerie prep for the first class at the, back

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