Day: July 17, 2015

Freelance writing
Guest Writer

Why freelancers need friends (and how to find some!)

This post is by Sue White, successful freelance writer and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter. It’s a freelancing paradox. On one hand, if you’re self employed, existing friends pop out of the woodwork at all hours of the (traditional) work day. “I’m having a day off, want to hang out?” or

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Content and copywriting
Guest Writer

Are you hopeless at working from home? Try these 5 solutions.

This post is by Sue White, successful freelance writer and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter. This last fortnight at least half a dozen friends – mostly of the journo and/or blogger variety – have complained to me about their absolute lack of ability to work effectively from home.  One friend started

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Writing news
Australian Writers' Centre Team

88 Australian authors to follow on Twitter

You’ve often heard us bang on about how social media can help your build your author platform and help you connect with other people in the industry. Well, if you’re an emerging or established writer, who should connect with? Apart from your friends, family and fans, here are 88 Australian

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