Day: October 15, 2014

Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ask Valerie: 4 things authors can do to promote their book

Question: I’ve written a book, but how do I get more people to read it? Answer: First, congratulations on writing a book! Some would say that the difficult part is over, but if you want to share your creation with as many readers as possible, the work has just begun.

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Jennifer Smart: “Write what you know” yields debut novel

“There’s a story here. There’s definitely a story here.” That was Jennifer Smart’s hunch, having worked behind the screens in film and television for many years, including five years on Home and Away. And she was in a position to know – having even penned two scripts of the hit

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Lisa Venables: Memoir unearths a love of writing

Telling stories is what it’s all about here at the Australian Writers’ Centre. And for Lisa Venables, recounting a very difficult time in her family’s life provided her with both an emotional and creative outlet. That outlet became her book, Saving Zali – telling the story of her infant daughter’s

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