Day: September 29, 2014

AWC weekly giveaways
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED: Anna Romer’s new book is Lyrebird Hill and we’re giving away two copies

Following up from her haunting 2013 debut novel, Thornwood House, author Anna Romer has delivered a fairytale with a twist, in Lyrebird Hill. Yes indeed, this one also delves into the dust and shadows, once more introducing the reader to a rural Australian setting and generation-spanning tale that is hard to put down.

We have two copies of Lyrebird Hill to give away. But first, let’s get Anna in here for a few questions. Anna, quick synopsis of your new book?

For two decades, Ruby Cardel has been haunted by the fear that she was to blame for her sister’s mysterious death. Needing to discover the truth, she returns to her childhood home at Lyrebird Hill. Here she finds a box of letters written by her great-grandmother, who was imprisoned for murder in the late 1890s. Fearing that she has inherited her great-grandmother’s violent nature, Ruby must confront the past and face a truth that will shock her to the core.

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Sofie Laguna on becoming a writer and a boy named Jimmy

Once a lawyer, then an actor, now a writer, it’s fair to say that Australian author and playwright Sofie Laguna has worn plenty of hats over the years. And even within her writing persona, she has never been one to stick to the same thing – bouncing from picture books to plays, young reader series to adult novels.

With such an interesting journey to date, we figured she’d be an interesting person to chat with – especially with the release of her latest adult novel, The Eye of the Sheep. And we weren’t wrong.

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