19-word creative challenge

It’s no secret that we’re all currently living through a time that history will remember. For many, it’s a confusing time, one of personal loss or substantial upheaval. For others, a different kind of experience, a detox of sorts; a return to simple habits or new beginnings.

The most important thing is that there is no ‘right answer’ to how we feel during this time. However, there might be a ‘write answer’…

History will of course write about COVID-19. But so should we. That’s why we’d like to try something with you, our wonderful writing community. We’d like you to share how YOU feel about all this – in your own words… 19 of them to be exact! You can write it as a micro story, a sentence or two, poem or simply a stream of words. The only rule is that it be 19 words. No more, no less.

The goal? For you personally, it’s a creative challenge to try and boil your personal thoughts, hopes, fears, experiences and observations (from the banal to the emotional) down into a single piece of prose just 19 words in length. For our community, we hope it will be a kind of time capsule – a creative anthology of who we were during this unprecedented time.

If this sparks your interest, and if you’d like to share YOUR 19 words with us, we would love to read them. Enter them below. (Kids are encouraged to take part in the creativity too! Add your age with your entry.)


We look forward to sharing some of our favourite submissions in the coming weeks.

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