10 mobile libraries around the world

Today, searching for a good book is easy to do since the internet is everywhere. Before we had the internet, people had to look for other options. Bookstores and libraries were easy places to get to for those who lived in town, but people who did not live in the city were out of luck. That’s where bookmobiles come into the picture and they have been around for many years. These libraries on wheels help spread books to those who do not have access to them, like people who live in rural areas. 

Whether it is a trip by motorbike, bus or even donkey, these mobile libraries have a common goal of spreading the love of books to those who are underserved and bringing the community together. 

If you love all things books and you’re taking a road trip across the country to check out these locations, read more to explore 10 bookmobiles from all over the world.

Image source: CarRentals

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