Write here, write now – YOUR writing spaces

With so much of the world being forced to work from home, Valerie recently reminded us that as writers, we’re already lucky to be able to do this from anywhere. And to illustrate this point, she asked for you to share pictures of YOUR writing set ups at home. Thanks to all those who responded – here are just some of the many and varied writing nooks, tables, dens and desks that we received. So many different spaces! To kick us off, the above feature image belongs to Andrew Dunn – “self isolated in a Kings Cross room with a view…”

Stay inside and stay sane everyone!

Hein Vandenbergh: “The Lion’s Den, surrounded by mementos…” Tahirih Lemon: “My retreat and sanctuary from the realities of life.” Sylvia Jimanez: “Just for me, it’s my little nook.” Matmeg@bigpond
“Desk, homemade bookshelf and my childhood teddy looking over my shoulder.” Mary Wallace:
“My writing spot, cats, cups and a clutter free desk.” Peter Wilson:
“Where the mind keys in sky, cave and life.” Jakulaith Wolff:
“I’m a refugee living in a tent, writing my autobiography…” Judy Hogan:
“A clear desk. Simple. Or at night on my phone.” Marie Giunta:
“My space where I create. Small, neat and a view.” Tess Rowley:
“My carport while the house is being painted.” Rona Von Stein:
“Isn’t that special?” Linh Truong:
“This is my creative nook, which also happens to be the dining table!” Elayne Crain:
“My writing spot is my bowerbird-like, sacred mess of a desk.” Torshia Seales:
“My kitchen corner, just missing me! (I’m behind the camera!!!)” Andrew Tesorerio:
“My office; for writing, podcasting, and slapping da bass.” Deb Turney:
“Trees, birds, street sounds and salted sea breezes inspire daily.” Patrick Kennedy:
“The dining room table: office, communications centre, entertainment site, news link – so many uses…” Alison Lloyd:
“Creative space = specs, computer, calendar, cords, cup + gently settling dust.” Jill Varley:
“Botanically inspired in my perfectly formed front patio.” Marina Marangos:
“Agapanthus and Apricots, drawers with trinkets and dreams galore.” Justyn Backhouse:
“From this chair I travel, dream and feel truly free.” Catherine Doris: “Grownup son’s old room is now my inspirational space.” John Cham:
“Here is my dining table. It is where I do my writing and study.” Jenny Canty:
“This is the writing studio my husband built for me.” Pam Swanborough:
“Camping inside unfinished conversion, for the duration. Hibernation and chaos.” Graham Bones:
“Break of day
After kookaburras call
I sit
And toss words around” Marianne Morante:
“This is where I work. White inspires, tropical beach calms.” Melissa Mendelson:
“I don’t need much but this space, where I write.” Joy Duncan:
“Joy’s writing world from a room with a view.” Joseph Elliott:
“My writing den.” Sandi Barker:
“My writing spot with stand up desk courtesy of my employer…” Garth Jones:
“Where the dreamweaving happens.” Jodi Gibson:
“This is my outside ‘desk’ (aka outdoor table)… the worst part is I have to pack it up at the end of the day!”
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