Congratulations to AWC graduate Lauren Gardiner on the publication of her book ‘baby + me!’

Courses taken at AWC:
Writing Picture Books
Creative Writing Stage 1

Congratulations Lauren on the publication of baby + me!. A graduate of AWC’s Writing Picture Books and Creative Writing Stage 1 courses, Lauren is the author of this beautifully illustrated and thoughtfully written story book for soon-to-be big brothers and sisters. This is no ordinary book –  an innovative addition is the ability for a sibling to create their very own baby+me! story by adding their own words and drawings within the book.

Lauren says she learnt so much from the AWC courses she has undertaken.

“AWC put a fire in my belly to pursue my writing dreams and I have the AWC to thank for giving me the confidence to put pen to paper and to send that paper out into the world,” she added.

Designed to help reinforce a child’s special place in the family, through baby+ me! a child learns positive and helpful behaviours to make them a super big brother or sister when the new baby comes.

Well done Lauren!


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